Friday, June 17, 2016

Milestone Birthday ~ #21

Awhile back, we celebrated another milestone birthday making it a trifecta of a year ~ 40, 13 and 21!!  C turned 21 in the Spring, during my blogging hiatus, so I decided it was high time to celebrate (in print) this amazing young man that we are so unbelievably proud of.

The weekend of his birthday, we headed up to my parent's house to help him celebrate this momentous occasion.  He requested a family weekend, so my brother, sister and her boyfriend T, Grandma D (great-grandma to C) and our cousin M graciously joined us.  My sister created this amazing wall art ~ "21", using pictures of C throughout the years.  Looking back at some of the pictures that she used, it was (and still is) hard to believe that he is 21.  My how the years fly by!  

The centerpiece for the table was a simple, yet appropriate Beer Cake.  Any clue as to what C's beverage of choice is??

We spent the afternoon playing cards, laughing and celebrating the Birthday Boy.  My sister & T created this amazing gift basket for him filled with all things every 21 year old could need: lottery tickets, bottle opener, Solo cups, mini bottles of liquor, a few of his favorite snacks, gift cards and a new deck of playing cards.  I think the smile on his face speaks volumes.

When Honey & I were at Disney, we searched high and low for a special glass to commemorate this occasion for C.  His favorite character is Stitch, so we were determined to find the perfect gift only to come home empty handed.  Not to be deterred, we took to the internet & lo and behold ~ We Found One!!  A Stitch Shot Glass!  

Which, of course, was promptly used with a celebratory family shot!

We then headed off to dinner at a local Italian restaurant, where Honey & I bought C his 1st "official" drink as a 21 year old.   Why do they have to grow up so fast?!?

After dinner, we stopped back at my parent's house for cake & ice cream.  Never to old for that!  Ever since he was 13 years old, his cake of choice has been a homemade giant cookie.

Make a wish ...

We finished off our "parental" portion of the night a local hockey game before my brother, sister & T took C out for a night on the town.  By all reports given the next morning, he had a great time and even danced a little.  I hear there may even be a video of said dance.  :)  I'm so glad he had a great time!  

No matter how old he is, he will always be my first-born, my "baby".  Words truly cannot express how proud I am to be his mom.  His kindness, gentle nature, patience, humor, love of family and friends, determination, perseverance, strength and devotion make him a one-of-a-kind young man.  I love him more than words can say!!

Happy Belated Birthday C!  Loves!!!!!

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