Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Geocaching - Treasure Hunting About Town

Over the weekend, we got a jump start on our Summer To Do List.  Geocaching was introduced to us years ago when L was in Cub Scouts and we really enjoyed it!  So we decided that it was high time that we tried it again as a family.  By definition from, it is "a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices.  Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location".  We had a blast!

Honey downloaded a free geocaching app to his phone, but we learned rather quickly that the free version wasn't going to help get us where we wanted to go.  So we upgraded for the cost of $5.99 for a month.  (This is not an endorsement, merely a heads-up that if you are interested in trying this ~ the upgraded version is definitely worth it.)  Honey & I headed out by ourselves first early in the morning to test it out before packing up the whole family.  Unfortunately, all we found was this cute little guy.  I swear it's Chip, because he just sat there "talking" to me like it was no big deal.  LOL!  It's always good to have a little bit of Disney in your daily life, if you ask me.  :)

But we were not to be deterred & the kids really wanted to try "treasure hunting" so we headed back out.  Apparently, all we needed was more sets of eyes because we got lucky on the first one we searched for.  

Each "cache" can very in size from a tiny film case to a larger box, like this one.  We remembered from our Cub Scout days that there are a few tips/rules to follow when you go geocaching.

  1. Bring a pen.  This way you can sign the log that is located within the cache.
  2. Leave no trace. Basically, clean up after yourself.  This is a "game" within nature, so be kind to the environment around you as you search.
  3. Put the Geocache back where & how you found it.  The owner of the cache put it there for a reason.  This is to make sure that he/she can find it again and that others can have the same experience of finding it as you.
  4. Bring a bag of small trinkets with you.  We did not do this this time, but will remember for the future.  Some larger boxes contain random little items ~ the rule is that you may take one as long as you replace it with a new one.
  5. Log whether you found the cache or not.  There is a place on the app that allows you to click "Found It" or Didn't Find It".  Not only does this let the owner know that you found it but also shows other fellow geocachers that it can be found.  We looked for ones that had been found within the last couple of weeks to better ensure our success.
  6. Dress appropriately.  We chose to stay in town for this trip but there are several that are located within parks or off the beaten path, so to speak.  If you choose to go on a true nature hike, wear pants & remember "Leaves of 3, Let them Be!" 

We ended up finding 4 out of the 5 that we searched for.  

Often the name of the cache will give you a little clue as to the nature or location of the cache.  This one was aptly named Halloween 21: Frank (We decided that it should have been named Drac, but oh well.)  This shows how tiny some of them can actually be.  The log to sign was actually rolled up in a tiny tube inside Dracula's body.

It was ton of fun & we will definitely go out and do it again.  It was a great way to spend the afternoon, as a family, outside ~ What better way to start the summer!!!

I'd love to hear if you have ever been geocaching and have any other tips & tricks.  We can use all the help we can get.  :)

Until next time ... Happy Hunting!  

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