Sunday, June 5, 2016

2016 Summer To Do List

I am a list maker...there is something so satisfying about crossing an item off a list, no matter how small.  Apparently this weekend is the weekend of making lists.  I may have also mentioned that I'm a bit of an organizational freak & have OCD, right?  :)  Either way, the kids & I sat down and created our "Must do List" for the summer.  Now the past couple of years, I've simply typed it up, printed it out & hung it up on the white board for all to see.  This year, I decided to spice things up a little bit.  Behold the D Family's 2016 Summer TO DO List!!

I was feeling a little crafty, so I busted out my Cricut & found the perfect die-cut to symbolize summer at our house.  Popsicles ~ there is NEVER a shortage in our freezer right now.

Our list is similar to previous years, with a few new additions as the kid's tastes have changed and we have a few extra day trips in the works.  I wrote each activity on a separate popsicle, then all that was left was to find a board to display them on.  Now, a little while back there may have been a small accident where a frame, that was holding our wedding photo mind you, fell off the wall and the glass shattered (thankfully leaving the photo untouched).  However, I saved the frame for some odd reason ~ well truth be told I love the design of the frame & hope to replace the glass & reuse it, but in the meantime it has just been collecting dust hidden behind my china cabinet.  Perfect way to display our new, improved Summer To Do List!!!!  Pull out a leftover piece of poster board, Cricut out a cute title & we have a winner.  :)

Found the perfect place to hang it on the wall & TA-DA!!!

While I was Cricut-ing out the Title, I cut out a bunch of "X's" to paste over the activities as we complete them.

I am pretty excited about this new board & the kids loved it!  Can't wait to start crossing things off this list as well!  I'd say we are in for quite the exciting, fun-filled summer!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

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