Thursday, June 2, 2016

Last Day of School!

(Using my best Nemo impression, from Finding Nemo)  "LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!  LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!  COME ON MOM, IT'S LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!

I may be unique, but this day is always a little bittersweet for me.  I love having the kids home, don't get me wrong.  We have another fun-filled summer planned and I can hardly wait!  However, the end of the school year not only means that my children are getting older faster than I am ready for them to but we also say "Good-bye", so to speak to the amazing teachers they have spent the last 8+months with.  Sure, we will see them in the hallways and such, but it's never quite the same.

Miss B has been blessed to have had a wonderful experience in 2nd grade.  She was lucky enough to have the same teacher that L had & we absolutely adored her!!  Ms B's passion for teaching and dedication to her students is fantastic!  Not only did B grow in both reading and math, but she became quite the little writer as well.  And she has a new found love of Science ~ which we owe to Ms B because that is a passion of hers also, the kids were able to do some amazing experiments throughout the year (some of which were re-enacted at home).  Thank you Ms B & Miss S!  Our Miss B will miss you something terrible this summer.  We were so lucky to have you there always encouraging her to try her best, reach new heights and find her voice.  You will forever hold a special place in our hearts!


Where did the time go??  My beautiful "little" 3rd Grader.  Wow!!

L also had an amazing year!  He made High Honor Roll all year long, joined Pop Choir and participated in Science Club and earned perfect attendance in Band Lessons.  Middle School can be a little difficult at times.  It's that awkward period between elementary school and high school where kids are just trying to find their place in the world.  7th grade started out a little rocky for L.  But he too was blessed with an unbelievably, amazing group of teachers that continually helped and encouraged him to be the best student/person he could be.  While each teacher was a blessing in their own right, I have to give a special thank you to his math teacher, Mrs. McN.  As I said, L had a rough start to the year & math happened to be one of the areas he struggled in.  It was due to her believing in him & helping to make sure that he understood the problems & processes that contributed to him ending the year with a new found respect & love for math.  He received an award entitled "Pascal's Perfect Punctual Assignment Award"  It states for "Students that demonstrated perseverance and determination to complete every math assignment on time for the entire year."  She also wrote the sweetest note in his yearbook that had me tearing up while reading it.  "L ~  You worked hard & it paid off!  You are a gentleman and approached a challenge with a smile!  :)"  (sniff, sniff ~ wiping away the tears)  He also had the best TA (or homeroom teacher, as we called them) who happened to be his Language Arts teacher as well.  She presented him with an equally special and unique award ~ "J.K. Rowling Voracious Reader Award".  According to L, only a select few received this award so he was beaming with excitement.  (Don't you just love the names of these awards!!!  The creativity is amazing!)  L will move on to 8th grade with confidence and strength & it wouldn't be possible if it weren't for ALL his teachers this past year.  Honey & I can't express enough how grateful we are to them and how proud we are of L for having such an outstanding year!

Peace out 7th grade!!

Now on to the Best Summer EVER!!  Time to break out the pool bag, because we are ready to hit the water (or nearby lounge chair in my case).  See you at the pool!!

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