Friday, June 19, 2015

Where in the World Has C Been All Summer??

C has been home from college for a little over a month now. YEAH!!  He had a very successful year at school and and has even been accepted as a Resident Hall Advisor for the next school year.  We are so very proud of him!!!

You may have noticed the lack of pictures of C so far this summer.  Well, there is a very good reason for that.  As much as we miss him being able to hang around and do things with us on a daily basis, he had a goal for this summer... GET A CAR!  

His previous one, for lack of a better phrase, went kaput last fall.  :(  We are unbelievably grateful to all his friends and family members that have driven him around for the last several months, but it was his mission this summer to not be without a car a minute longer. But in order to purchase a car, one must have the necessary income to acquire said vehicle. Over the past 3 years, he's worked part time during his breaks from school.  This year, however, he was lucky enough to get a full time summer job ~ Monday through Friday.  My baby is all grown up!  (Tear, sniff)  

All his hard work & saving finally paid off today when he was able to fulfill his Summer Dream and purchase a "new to him" Bravada!  

The previous owner was an elderly gentleman who took really good care of the vehicle, so it has extremely low mileage, leather and heated seats, sunroof, and more.  To say C is excited, would be an understatement.  :)  

Congrats C!  So proud of you!  Enjoy the new wheels!

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