Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Strawberry Fields Forever

I remember going to pick strawberries once, as a child, and thought it was a fun experience. So we added this to our Summer To Do List as a new adventure for the kids, as opposed to just buying them off the shelf at the store like we usually do.

Unfortunately... the day we chose to go, the crop was a little sparse.  :( So it became more of a scavenger hunt type of adventure. Oh well!  The kids enjoyed searching through the bushes looking for the biggest ones they could find.  It became quite the contest!  

I had several yummy recipes picked out to try using all our delicious fresh berries, but due to the smaller crop we walked away with just a little under 2 pounds.  :(  That's OK, it was the experience that counted!

It's definitely something we will try again, just maybe a little earlier in the season.  But for now, we will enjoy the yummy fruits of our labor.  Berry-licious!!

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