Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Swimming, Diving & Slides, Oh My!

Summer swimming lessons just finished up for the little kids.  It all went well, with the exception of a few days where the temperatures barely touched 65 degrees.  (Seriously, this is July!)  One morning in particular, the kids wore hooded sweatshirts and I turned the heat on in the car when they were done.  Not exactly ideal, but they had a blast regardless.  :)  

On the final day, the instructors let them have free time for the last 20 minutes of lessons. Which basically means, "OK, you can go off the slides and diving boards now." L didn't waste any time getting in line.

Little Miss B patiently waited and watched her brother.  Obviously, she's not quite ready for the deep end slides and such.  But she has also never been tall enough or a strong enough swimmer to try the smaller slides. 

Until now ... (I think I will the let the pictures speak for themselves)

I think she liked it!

 She went down as many times as she could until time ran out.  That was one VERY happy little girl!

Love that smile!

 L continued to show me his skills and expertise! Especially off the diving board.  :)

It was a great end to this summer's lessons but a continuation of many more fun, filled pool days ahead.  

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