Sunday, July 20, 2014

Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandma's House We Go ...

An impromptu trip to my parent's house was the agenda of the day.  My parents don't live far away but my sister does.  So when the opportunity came up that she would be back for a short visit, we loaded up the car and headed their way.  

Any amount of time with my sister is a joy and time that I cherish.  Apparently so much that I didn't think to take a picture with her.  :(  She's funny, beautiful, smart and an amazing mom to my nephew, P.  She is one of my best friends and I love her dearly.  We laughed and talked around the table over a yummy lunch of corn on the cob and turkey burgers, grilled by my dad, then it was time for her to go.  The visit was short but sweet.  So glad we got to see her, if even for a minute.  Looking forward to the next time already!

As we were standing outside waving good-bye, my parent's neighbor T, came home on her new toy.  Of course, B was first to ask if she could have a ride.

Now it's a summer tradition that each of my kids get to spend a few days of one-on-one time at Grandma & Grandpa's.  B had just returned from her time last week, while L had gone earlier in the summer.  So B had gotten to ride "a few" times before.  I guess it started out as just once around the block, then maybe once more .... you get the idea.  But this time B started out with the request of "how about 5 times around?"  Neighbor T smiled and said hop on!

So it was a huge surprise to all of us, after just two trips around, that they pulled into the driveway.  Neighbor T says, "She wants Daddy to drive her."  Honey looked at me with an Oh Boy expression and quickly went to jump on.  (Twist his arm)

"It's just like a jet ski on wheels," says Neighbor T.  (Honey grew up vacationing on a lake where driving a boat or jet ski were second nature to him.) So after a little instruction, they were off.  They both came back all smiles!!  So then of course came the look at me, followed by a "Do you want to go?"  (Oh boy!)

It was a blast!!  Honey says, "I think we could find room in the garage for one of these, don't you think?!"  Haha!

After our Spyder adventures, the rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying playing around in the backyard.

Then my Mom remembered that she had recently picked up a DIY version of a NERF bow and arrow.  L was all about trying that out!  With some help from my "little" brother T, he was able to make it go ...

right through the open sunroof of Grandpa's car!  I think that's considered a Bulls-eye, right?!

We ended the afternoon with a little treat before getting back in the car for the trip home.

It was the perfect summer day!  I'm having a hard time with the fact that there are so few of them left, as the kids go back to school in less than a month. :( 

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