Saturday, July 5, 2014

Family Game Night - DVD CLUE

In preparation for a fun outing tommorrow, we chose DVD CLUE for our Family Game Night.  We have had this version for a while and thought now that the younger 2 kids are a little older that it would be fun to try it out.  L was able to follow along but B ended up being on a team with Honey.  She was a great "note" taker.  

The handsome young man on the left is our eldest son, C.  He is a sophomore in college but home for the summer.  Love having all three kids together!

Even our dog, Evee, joined in the game.  She is a 12 year old Shiba Inu.  We have had her since she was a puppy.  She is the best dog!  As you can see she snuggles right in as close as she can to the action.

Finally, after a few unsuccessful attempts to guess the who, what, where and time of the "crime" . . . we had a winner!  

It was a great way to get everyone in the mood for our day trip tomorrow!  I can hardly wait!  Until then ...

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