Monday, June 22, 2015

2015 Summer Bucket List

I am a list maker by nature.  I have found the older I get the less I seem to remember if I don't write it down.  It's no different for the every day items like grocery lists to the more important things such our annual Summer Bucket List.  

Here's our list of adventures & projects we hope to complete this summer.  Many are the same as last years, but as the kids grow and their interests change so does our list.

So far we have been able to cross off:

  • Reading Program
  • Roast S'mores
  • Pool Days (no where near done with this one yet!)
  • Feed the Ducks
  • Dance Class
  • Strawberry Picking
  • Game Nights (also continuing throughout the summer)
  • Swimming Lessons
  • Scavenger Hunt in the Park
  • Garage Sale
  • 2nd Grade Math, 7th Grade Math & Tutoring (these are also ongoing)
I'd say we have gotten off to a pretty good start.  But the closer we get to July, I realize that the summer is going by way too fast!  Time needs to slow down please, we are having way too much fun!!!

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