Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Kind and Generous

Once again I find myself staring at a blank screen.  I am truly at a loss for words.  When I clicked the Publish button on My Story, I had no idea what to expect.  I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to delete it immediately.  With something so personal, one never knows how it's going to be received ... good, bad or otherwise.  But the outpouring of love, support and kindness that I have received whether it was publicly posted, privately messaged or spoken face to face has been overwhelming.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.....

I not only thank you for myself and my family, but for all those who are struggling with their own personal issues.  Your comments & encouragement show us that NO ONE is ALONE.  Even though at times it may feel that way, there is most likely someone you know dealing with the same, if not similar issue.  I have never hidden that I have Panic/Anxiety, but I had never felt strong enough to speak out & talk about it to the depths that I did.  Lol... I still don't, even though it's all there in black & white.  

There's a quote that I try to live by ... "It costs nothing to be kind."  The world we live in can often be a scary, dark and unforgiving place.  But if we just take a minute to stop and think before we act or speak, I believe it will get better.  Kindness ... such a simple word but yet so very powerful.  

I was shown unbelievable kindness after posting My Story and I will never be able to express or convey how much it has meant to me.  I am truly blessed to know such amazing and wonderful people.  It's you who helped me to "be brave", "show courage" and "be strong".   Thank you!

My favorite flower is a Lily.  It has several meanings: humility, devotion, purity and rebirth (to name a few).  But to me ~ it's a symbol of love, kindness and the feeling that I am NEVER alone.  Someone is always watching out for me.  Over the past couple of days, you all have done so much for me by simply reading and understanding, not judging or criticizing that I want to give something back to you.  So while it may only be a picture, please take it  ~ as a symbol of my humble gratitude and know that you, too ... are NOT ALONE.


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