Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Updated and EXTENDED ~ 40 x 43 "Riding the Ocean Waves of Life"

As the day of my 42nd birthday draws near, I once again wonder "Where has the time gone?"  When I made this list of goals almost 2 years ago, I was sure I would see the words COMPLETED next to each one.  Unfortunately, I didn't take into consideration time, scheduling conflicts, life changes and all the curve balls that seem to have been thrown my way over the last year.  But I decided that I will not give up.  Just because I didn't complete them all in the 2 years I had originally planned, doesn't mean that I still can't push forward and continue.  Sure there are often time constraints on meeting deadlines, etc but that's not the case when it comes to one's life goals.  It's not the time it takes to complete them, but the journey you take to get there & be able to say "I did it."  So having said that, I have not only extended my time frame but I have also changed a few.  Goals, just like us, are always changing and evolving.  So here's my current/new list of 40 x 43 goals.  I hope that you will continue to follow along with me as I work toward these experiences and challenges.  I look forward to sharing some of them with you along the way.  

1.  Finish our 50 States Dinners - IN PROGRESS
2.  Train to run/walk a Disney themed Marathon - Completed 1/7/18
3.  Observe sea turtles hatching in their natural environment & head out to sea - Completed 8/10/16
4.  Finish the basement remodel ~ we have lived in this house for 16 years and that area has always been the bane of my existence! - Completed but always evolving
5.  Take dance classes with Honey - Completed and on-going  :)
6.  Open an Etsy store for scrapbooking, paper products and party supplies ~ this has been a dream of mine for years! - IN PROGRESS
7.  Go ice skating ~  I know this sounds weird coming from a girl who prefers the warm sun & sand to the ice & snow, but I think it will be a fun thing to do with the family
8.  Remodel/Redecorate L's room ~ he is in major need of an upgrade to a teenage style room!! - Completed 9/18/17
9.  Have a facial ~ I have always wanted to learn more about skin care & I just happen to have a friend who is an amazing esthetician. - Completed 7/17 & Fell in love ... now I get one every 5 weeks
10.  Complete our wedding scrapbook ~ you'd think after 15 years I'd have that one done by now, nope!
11.  Have professional family photographs taken - Completed 8/9/16
12.  Host an amazingly themed backyard party ~ finally put some of those Pinterest pins to good use!
13.  Have a classic movie marathon with Honey: Casablanca, Singing in the Rain & Breakfast at Tiffany's ~ yes, he has agreed to this ahead of time :) - Casablanca = check! "Here's looking at you kid." - Singing in the Rain = check!  "Gotta Dance!"
14.  Attend the Nutcracker Ballet - Completed 12/10/16
15.  Redesign our backyard landscaping ~ Honey is thinking a mini beach area, but we will have to see if we can pull it off 
16.  Participate in NAMI walk (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
17.  Create/ Paint a "Masterpiece" at a local art studio
18.  Watch the sunrise on the beach - Completed 8/10/16 and 11/13/16
19.  Learn to meditate and be more present in the moment, enjoying life and all it has to offer.  As a society, we are always on the go... moving from one thing to the next that we often forget to stop and just be.  I want to slow down and take the time to breathe in life's adventures. - IN PROGRESS
20.  Remodel/ Redecorate our bedroom.  It's time to get rid of the brown walls & give it that coastal, relaxing vibe I love so much.
21.  Attend a Broadway show ~ Phantom of the Opera is my first choice, but I have several on my list to see
22.  Take a vacation to Charleston & Savannah
23.  Take a yoga class - Completed 7/14/17 ... Hot Yoga = Amazing!  Continuing to practice
24.  Learn to make the "perfect"  Disney themed caramel apples ~ just like the ones you find at the parks...Yum Yum!
25.  Attend another Florida Georgia Line concert ~ they are our favorite group & we LOVE to see them live!  - Completed ...Not remotely embarassed to say we saw them 4 times last year, ending with the Concerts of all Concerts = FGL, Nelly and the Backstreet Boys at WRIGLEY FIELD!!!!
26.  Learn how to make TRUE Southern Sweet Tea - Completed 7/23/16
27.  Take a photography class to learn how to utilize the Manual setting on my camera & expand on my current skills
28.  Become a certified Yoga instructor 
29.  Spend Spring Break 2017 at Disney ~ no shock here that we are already planning our next trip back - Completed 3/12/17 thru 3/18/17
30.  Learn how to make grits ~we simply cannot move South one day without me not knowing how to make this staple food
31.  Complete the QC Half Marathon ~ even if I have to walk some ... definitely not going for record time, just to cross the finish line
32.  Put $xxx in our savings account - IN PROGRESS
33.  Attend Maks & Val - Live on Tour ~ I am a die hard Dancing with the Stars fan & these two are my absolute favorite professionals!  Not going to lie, when Honey gave me these tickets for Mother's Day, I literally squealed with excitement!  I have the best husband EVER!!! - Completed 7/29/16
34.  Share my story of living with Mental Illness - Completed 1/29/18
35.  Try one new food a week ~ this correlates to #34 - IN PROGRESS
36.  Remaster the ability to French Braid hair ~ I do not have a working tendon in my left thumb due to a not smart moment on my part, so the dexterity is not there.  Therefore, braiding and a lot of other fun hairstyles for Miss B & myself have proven difficult.  - IN PROGRESS
37.  Pay it forward/ Not-so-Random-Act of Kindness ~ We have always wanted to do something for those less fortunate to show/teach the kids the value of the things they have and to remind them the importance of helping others when they can.
38.  Finish organizing the kitchen pantry closet ~ I started it about 8 months ago & it drives me crazy that I haven't completed it as of yet.  The ideas are all there, I just need to do it. - Completed 1-21-18
39.  Re-read and watch the Harry Potter books & movies as a family ~ there may be a hidden agenda behind this one.  I would love to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando, but it doesn't seem right to go without everyone knowing the back story behind what is sure to be an amazing experience!! - IN PROGRESS
40.  Celebrate the accomplishment of completing this list in style!


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