Thursday, April 19, 2018

Miss B's Love of Dance

I saw this quote the other day.  It said, "Happiness is being busy doing the things you love."  If that's true then our family is bursting at the seems with Happiness.  It seems since the beginning of 2018, we have been going non-stop.  I know this is true for most families, not just ours.  Trying to keep everything straight ~ making sure everyone is where they need to be, when they need to be there... did I pack enough snacks to sustain them their homework done ... is Savannah fed and walked ... is that meeting going to conflict with that appointment ... not mention the rest of the daily to do lists.  I have officially realized why growing up my mom had a color coded calendar for us three kids.  Whew!  But regardless of all the craziness and as the above quote stated, we are all happy and that is what matters the most.  

Miss B has been working very hard at her new dance studio this year and she couldn't be happier!  Watching her grow and learn has been such a joy for us to see.  She's taking classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Musical Theater, Hip Hop and even started Tumbling!!  She's on the Competition Team as well.  These ladies have worked so hard!  As our season is about to come to a close, and the songs gradually stop playing on repeat in my head ... We couldn't be more proud of them all!!

Their coach and teacher, Miss M is absolutely amazing!  She has not only taught the girls  how to dance with more confidence and sass, but to work together as a team should.  

She even gives them all Good Luck treats before each competition.  You know me, I appreciate the time and effort it goes into making something extra just to show you care.   As a mom, this means more than a trophy, pin or a ribbon.  Thank you Miss M and staff for all you do for our girls!

Dance competition days can be long days to say the least.  From the start of hair and make up, to when the very last award is given ~ it's a whirlwind of a day .. or 2 .. or 3 depending on the dance schedule.  But regardless of whether I got accidentally hit in the face with a shoe during a quick change, or her bun maker snaps minutes before we are supposed to leave ~ it's all worth it to see Miss B and her friends smile and dance their hearts out on stage.  

So to close, a little note to Miss B and her teammates ~ "Throughout this season we have all watched as you each tell us through dance ~ Watch out World cause "I'm a Lady" (Jazz), and everyday "It's My Party" (Musical Theater) and I'll smile if I want to, but we just want to say that no matter how proud of you we are (and believe me ~ WE ARE!), you are still not going to get that new "Alexander Wang" (Hip Hop) purse.  :)  "

 Love you, Miss B!


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