Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"Wishes Wednesday" ~ Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique

When I think about planning a Disney vacation, I relate it a lot to how one begins to plan a wedding.  I know that may sound a bit extreme, but hear me out.  As soon you become engaged, there are 4 things that need to be decided right away ... 1) the date of the wedding 2) booking the site for the ceremony and reception 3) securing a photographer 4) hiring a caterer.  After you have those things nailed down, then you can begin to plan the rest ~ all those fun details that make your day extra special!!  Now Disney has devised a well planned out system for booking a vacation.   And in order to get the most out of your experience and make those memories that last a lifetime there is some planning that needs to be done almost as soon as you say "OK, Let's Go!"  1) decide when is the best time to visit 2) book a vacation package which includes choosing your resort, purchasing park tickets, and a dining plan 3) 180 days prior to your arrival date book all your dining reservations 4) 60 days prior to your arrival date book your FastPasses for the rides and attractions that you want to make sure not to miss.  Once you have those things figured out, you can plan all the fun little extras to make your trip even more Magical.  Now if you have never been to Disney World, that may seem a little overwhelming and extreme.  But trust me, it is all worth it!!  Just like a wedding, if you want everything to go smoothly on the BIG DAY... you have to plan.    If you want to make sure you don't miss out on anything that your family wants to see or do while on your vacation... you have to plan.  I hope over the course of time, I am able to give you a little insight into how we go about planning the details of our trips but today I thought I would start out with one of those "fun little extras" I mentioned.  The Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!!

Back in 2012, Miss B (at the adorable age of 5) got to experience the enchanted beauty salon that is Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.  "Owned & Operated by Cinderella's Fairy Godmother", it's an enchanted salon run by some very special "Fairy Godmothers-in-Training" whose job is to transform young girls into beautiful princesses or boys into gallant knights, ready for adventure.  

There are two salon locations on Disney property, one at Disney Springs and another inside the Magic Kingdom itself.  Please note that if you choose to visit the salon inside the Magic Kingdom, a park ticket is required for entry into the park.  There are perks to both locations, it's simply a matter of preference.  For example, if you are lucky enough to secure a dining reservation at Cinderella's Royal Table ~ I would highly recommend visiting the Magic Kingdom location.  That way your princess can receive her royal treatment at the salon and then dine with Cinderella and a few of her Princess friends dressed especially for the occasion.  It's definitely worth it to see their faces light up as the Princess they are dressed as, greet them and admire their beautiful gowns and gush over how amazing they look.  We however chose the location at Disney Springs for Miss B's visit, because we had made plans to visit EPCOT then dine at Akershus in Norway.  This restaurant is also home to several Disney Princesses.  So it was a perfect day for Miss B to get all dressed up to meet her idol... I bet you can't guess who that might be.  :)

From the moment we arrived, she was treated like royalty.  It's a beautiful boutique that is definitely designed for that one-of-a-kind magical experience.  

Back in 2012, it was located inside the Wide World of Disney store.  It has since been relocated to the Once Upon a Time store in the Marketplace at Disney Springs.

Reservations can be made up to 180 days in advance (which I highly recommend!) and do require a valid accepted credit card at the time you book the appointment.  There are several package options to choose from, whether you are interested in the The Crown Package, The Courtyard Package or The Castle Package...the choice is up to you.  (prices range from $64.95 +tax to $199.95 + tax)  And for your aspiring Knights, the packages range in price from $19.95 +tax to $79.95 + tax.  I have seen many handsome young gentlemen at some of our favorite character dining spots that look extremely regal after having visited the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique.  So it is not just for young ladies.  Please note whether you are a knight or a princess, you must be between the ages of 3-12.

Upon check-in, Miss B was asked what Princess she would like to be (we purchased The Castle Package where the costume is included, however you are also free to bring a costume or special outfit from home).  As you may have guessed, she choose Ariel ~ her FAVORITE.  However the real decision was... is she going to dress as Mermaid Ariel or Ariel in her ball gown?? As you can see from the first picture, she chose to be a mermaid. (No surprise there!)  Next was to choose her hairstyle, which she choose the classic bun.  There are several options to pick from, even one with colored extensions for that extra bit of sparkle!  The Castle Package also comes with a crown and a wand, but we purchased the shoes as an extra add on.  Then we simply waited for her name to be called.  It wasn't soon after we sat down that we heard the words "Hear ye, hear ye ~ The Fairy Godmother invites Princess B to enter the Boutique!"  She even received her very own personalized invitation.  :)  

Once inside the salon, she was greeted by her very own Fairy Godmother-in-Training, Gladys.  She was absolutely wonderful!!!!  She led her over to a special door (aka dressing room) and explained to Miss B that there was something very special waiting for her inside but in order to open the door, she needed to say the magic words.  Any guesses on what those could be??  You guessed it, "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!" and magically the door unlocked to reveal Miss B's royal Ariel attire all laid out especially for her.  I will never forget the look on her face!   It was priceless!!

After a quick change into her new attire, it was on to the beauty chair ~ where the real magic began.  :)

First off, was her hair.  I just have to say after styling Miss B's long, thick hair all these years, this is no easy feat to accomplish.  But Gladys was truly a pro.  

She spoke with Miss B the entire time about Ariel, Flounder and all the wonders of the sea.  Telling her that Ariel comes to the boutique everyday with a special "Jellyfish Gel" especially made just for their salon.  It has to be special because once applied, that hair is going NOWHERE!  It says in that perfect little bun for DAYS, if you let it!!  lol!

As Gladys was working on styling Miss B's hair, her assistant came over to begin applying make-up and nail polish.  Talk about royal treatment!!

I just love her facial expression in this shot.  Inside I know she was beaming from ear to ear....I know I was & I wasn't the one being pampered from head to toe!

Then all that was left was for Gladys to put the finishing touches in her hair.  She did not stop til she got it absolutely perfect... crown and all!

They have these ingenious plastic face masks to cover their little faces as they spray more hairspray on top of Ariel's special gel.  Again... that hair did not move an inch, not even the slightest strand.  :)

Last but certainly not least, a special gem was added to Miss B's cheek and then Gladys brought out her special wand and sprinkled "Pixie Dust" all over her hair speaking the magical words "May all your dreams and wishes come true!"  (I'm not going to lie, I teared up just a little)

As if all this wasn't enough, each Princess also receives a special sash and cinch sack to take with them.  (Perfect to carry your change of clothes, make-up kit and nail polish in, I might add)

Again with the facial expression!  It's amazing, but some of these still come out every once in awhile even at the age of 9 (or almost 10, as I am now reminded daily).

After her beauty treatment was complete and Princess B stepped out of the chair, she was ushered over to sign the official Princess Guestbook.  Oh my gosh!  Once again Disney doesn't miss a thing!  Also, don't you just adore that little Hidden Mickey in the back of her bun!!!  LOVE IT!!

What an experience!!!  But it wasn't done yet!!  After we graciously thanked Gladys for her amazing work, we headed over to the nearby studio for Miss B's very own photography session!  

Back in 2012, this was included in The Castle Package.  It is now an add on.  If you have purchased the Memory Maker as part of your overall Vacation Package, this is included.  Otherwise, it is $32.95 + tax for 1 - 6" x 8" photo and 4- 4" x "6  photos in a special package.  (***Please note all these prices are subject to change at any time***)

Miss B .... my little model!

Overall, this has been to date, one of my favorite "fun little extras" that I talked about in the beginning.  Miss B had a blast doing it and I had a blast just watching her in awe of everything going on around her.  She still talks about the experience!  What made it even more special was when she got to meet Ariel at lunch later on that day all dolled up in her Mermaid costume.  Ariel was very impressed with her fins.  :)

So on that note, I will leave you on this Wednesday with the words of our Fairy Godmother-in-Training ... "May all your WISHES come true!"


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