Friday, October 13, 2017

Happy Friday the 13th!!

On this Friday the 13th, it seemed only fitting to continue the underlying eerie feeling of the day with a tour of our family room decorated with all sorts of haunted delights.

I chose purple and black with touches of lime green for my overall color scheme.  This glitter witches boot vase was my inspiration.  I've had it for years!  The purple pumpkin came from the dollar section at Target and the googly eyed frame is the absolute easiest DIY project ever!!  Simply purchase a plastic frame from the Dollar Store as well as a variety package of googly eyes.  Then, glue them onto the frame in any random order for the desired effect/ shape you are looking for.  Then add a picture or in my case a spider for the finishing touch.  All in all, in took maybe fifteen minutes to complete and that's only to allow for drying time.  It's definitely an "eye catcher".  :)  

I use a lot of "webbing" in my Halloween decorating.  It's my own way of bringing a small portion of the Haunted Mansion into our home this time of year.  Every inch of that ride is just dripping with cobwebs ... how they make something as simple, yet disgusting look like art has always amazed me.

This is one of my favorite walls to decorate.  After adding the webbing, the spiders come out to play.  They are from a Martha Stewart collection I purchased several years ago.  They are a set of die-cuts made from cardstock, but by bending their legs a little and adding a tiny bit of sticky wall tack  ~ I am able to give them a more 3D effect as opposed to just flat against the wall.

Even the plants get special Halloween treatment...

The purple spiral picks are from Hobby Lobby and the witches boots I found with Mom in the floral department of our nearby grocery store.  They were just too cute to pass up!!

I mentioned the witch's boot as being my inspiration of sorts earlier, well that carries over to the antique door frame in our living room corner.  I wanted it to look like a spot that a witch might hang her broomstick and cloak after a night of flying about.

And no self respecting witch would be without her beloved black cat ....

Now while you may find spiders, witches, ghosts and skeletons creeping around, even though they are an extremely common part of most people's Halloween decor ~ you will NOT find any CROWS ANYWHERE in my home.  This black sparkly owl is the only bird allowed anywhere and that's simply enough for me.  (shiver...)

The "haunted" books were made by Mom a few years back.  She used old books from Goodwill, painted the covers black then went back over it with a silver sponge technique to give them the desired "aged" look.  Then she used a silver marker to label the bindings with spooky titles any good witch would have on hand.  You may have noticed a few more over by the Witch's door.  Those were made to pay homage once again to the Haunted Mansion, one of my favorite rides.  For those of you wondering who Madam Leota is ... she's the woman inside the floating crystal ball in the Music Room on the ride.  We learned all about her backstory when Honey & I took the Keys to the Kingdom Tour at the Magic Kingdom on our anniversary trip 2 years ago.  Hauntingly amazing!!!

My antique china hutch becomes home to our very own friendly ghost as well as more spiders that creep and crawl their way up the glass sides.  These spiders were also part of the Martha Stewart Collection from a few years ago.  

Our entertainment table is home to 3 of my most prized Halloween decorations ... personalized ceramic masterpieces made especially for each of our darling little (or not so little anymore) pumpkins.  They each light up and make me smile every time I walk by.  I added black garland around them for a little more effect.  

You may also notice the 3 skeletons as well.  These are the newest additions to my decor.  A friend of mine purchased these for her home & I fell in love with them so much that I had to go out and get a set of my own.  But when it came time to finding just the right spot for them, it occurred to me 3 kids ... 3 skeletons!!  Wonderful!!!  They couldn't have fit each one more perfectly.  So as the saying goes ...

Meet "See No Evil" ...

"Hear No Evil"...

"Speaks No Evil"

Lastly, I have to show you our decorated banister.  I wrap orange lights around it then cover that with another version of black creepy garland (both sets were purchased from Michaels).  Add a few purple flowers, glitter picks and pumpkins & the boring old railing is transformed into a delightfully spooky entry to our home.  I absolutely love the way it glows at night!

As I said before, I may not enjoy the scary parts of Halloween but I sure do LOVE to decorate for it.  Now if you'll excuse me ~ I need to explain to Honey, yet again, why I have no desire to watch a horror movie this evening.  Especially since it's Friday the 13th!!!  


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