Thursday, October 5, 2017

Our Family Fall To Do List 2017

It's officially starting to feel like Fall around here.  The weather is starting to cool, the leaves are changing, and everything under the sun has now got it's very own Pumpkin Spice flavor. :)  Summer is obviously my favorite season, but I do love the festivities, decorations and traditions of the months to come.  Now having said that, if your house is anything like mine, October, November and December tend to fly by faster than you can say "Pass the rolls, please."  Between the day to day tasks of homework, show choir, band, dance practice, work and now Puppy Training ~ we often forget to stop and enjoy the seasons.  I feel more now than ever, that it is important to take the time to enjoy the little things.  Time moves too quickly (especially this time of year) and before we know it it will be New Year's Eve.  (Oh my gosh, did I actually just say that!?!)  

So this year, I created a To Do List similar to the one that we have each summer.  I've printed it out and hung it in our kitchen.  This seems to always help us make sure to do all the fun things we want to do each summer, so I thought why not carry it over into the fall.  :)  This way not a single thing gets missed, right down to that very last gooey bite of THE best caramel apple you have ever tasted!  YUM!!

If you are reading this, you may notice "Marathon Training" as one of our To Do items.  Yes, Honey & I are officially signed up and training to run in the 25th Anniversary Disney Marathon in January!!   It was one the many goals that I set for myself & Honey graciously agreed to join me.  If you know anything about these events, you also know that costumes are a must!  :)  So having said that, we are currently taking ideas as to who we should dress up as ...  Belle & Beast, Rapunzel & Flynn Rider or maybe Moana & Maui???  We would love to hear your ideas!  I can hardly wait!

I'm off to finish putting up our Halloween decorations ... It's beginning to look quite spooky around here.   (insert evil laugh HAHAHA)  :)


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