Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ringing in 2017!

Happy New Year everyone!  I trust that you had a happy, healthy and safe holiday weekend. We rang in the New Year with our good friends the T Family with lots of food, laughter, games and fun.  There couldn't have been a better way to welcome in 2017!!  

Trusty Pinterest came in handy once again with a fun way to celebrate the holiday with kids. I printed out clock faces with the hours 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 11:58 onto cardstock and attached them to plain white lunch sacks that I had in my closet.  Inside each bag was an activity for us to do while counting down until midnight.

The 7 o'clock bag had the instructions to "Grab some props & take your picture in front of the Photo Booth".  We hung gold and black plastic table cloths on one of our walls & cut them into strips to create the "streamer" effect.  Honey braved the crowds to get the traditional party supplies needed for any New Year's Eve Party ... hats, crowns, leis, glasses, and of course ~ noisemakers!  Perfect props for the perfect pictures!

Happy 2 - 0 (love the facial expression) - 1 - 7!!!

At 8 o'clock, the kids opened the bag to find "Time to Play some Board Games!" written on the card.  We had gotten several new games for Christmas, but our favorites have to be Disney Family Feud and of course, Pie Face!  (Yikes!)

At 9 o'clock, the card read "Time for Lip Sync Battle!"  This is a family favorite of ours, so we thought it would be fun to incorporate it into the evening.  The T family are huge fans of Disney as well, so it only seemed right to make it Disney themed songs.  Honey and I had pre-chosen several familiar ones and one by one we drew a card with the title that we were then to perform.  It was a hilarious!!!

Honey started us off with "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan.... Look out Jimmy Fallon!

Miss B and L did a duet to "I Have a Dream" from Rapunzel.

Our friend H picked "Kiss the Girl" from the Little Mermaid ...and was assisted by her lovely daughter Miss S.  So cute!!!!

I drew "Go with the Flow" from Nemo the Musical at Animal Kingdom.  You would think with my love of turtles and especially Crush, that I would know all the words to this song.   Umm... not so much ....but I gave it a "shell" of a try.  :)

I will have to say the winner of the battle went to the other Miss B.  She chose "How Far I'll Go" from Moana.  But what set her apart from the rest of us was that instead of lip-syncing, she actually sang the entire song!  And boy can she sing!!!!  It was unbelievable to say the least!

10 o'clock's activity was a little extra prep for the big finale at midnight, "Create a Confetti Popper".  With a few inexpensive supplies, the girls were able to create these cute and easy crafts to help with festivities.

Our 11 o'clock activity was "20 Questions of 2016".  Party Delights blog has the cutest printable cards with questions that helped us reflect back on the year as well as things we hoped to accomplish in 2017.  

Then FINALLY, 11:58 was time!  We turned on the TV to watch the ball drop, grabbed our glasses for a toast and waited for the ultimate countdown.

10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 -1 ... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

In addition to the confetti poppers the girls made we bought a few more for everyone else to enjoy.  They were a little challenging to open.  :)

Everyone had a blast!  Young and old.  (Even though I will be cleaning confetti out of my carpet until 2018, lol!  It was completely worth it!!!)  Here's wishing you a wonderful 2017!  From our family to yours, Happy New Year!!


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