Friday, January 13, 2017

12 Days Until Winter Break

I have worked with our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) at the elementary school for several years and it has always been such a joy for me.  Whether it's planning an event, reading with the kids, or simply making copies...I love every minute of it!  I have gotten to know so many of the kids as well as the teachers and staff throughout the years.  We are very blessed!  It is such a fabulous school filled with people that I not only trust to teach my children to read and write, but also create, explore and ask questions that will lead them down the path toward higher learning.  Our school's motto is "Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe".  I think that speaks volumes to the time and effort that the teachers and staff put into making our school the very best that it can be.  I couldn't be more proud to have called it "our home away from home" for the last 17 years.  It has been my honor to be a part of a special tradition that we do for the teachers and staff to show our appreciation for all they do year 'round especially those hectic days leading up to Winter Break.  :)

I realize this post is well past the holiday season, but in my defense...I didn't want to give any of the surprises away.  :)  So having said that, we start by counting back 12 days before the start of Winter Break.  Starting with Day 12, each day we count down til break with a small gift or treat in hopes to make the time go by just "a little bit" faster.  (If you've ever been in a classroom on the days leading up til Break, you know exactly what I mean.  LOL!)

Here's an idea of what we did this year...

Each morning we would set up their daily gift along with a catchy little poem to hopefully brighten their day.  So without further ado... The 12 Days of Winter Break 2016!  (I promise, no singing will be attempted during the remainder of this post.)

Day 12: A Set of Holiday Plates and Napkins

12 Days til Winter Break,
The party seasons here!
We hope you enjoy these daily gifts, 
That bring you Holiday Cheer!

Day 11: Pocket Size Package of Kleenex

11 Days til Winter Break,
Cold season in full bloom.
Here's a pack of Kleenex,
To help you in your room.

Day 10:  Bottle of Hand Sanitizer

10 Days til Winter Break
The weather's turned to freezin'
Some sanitizer for your hands
To keep you from a-sneezin'!

Day 9: OREOS in a Decorative Elf Shoe

9 Days til Winter Break,
It's the last day of the week.
We hope that you enjoy
This "Elfish" special treat!

Day 8:  A Package of Post-It Notes and Pen

8 Days til Winter Break,
Some sticky notes and a pen.
To help you with the holiday lists 
That never seem to end.  :)

Day 7:  Hot Cocoa Bar ~ We set up a station with hot water and cocoa packages along with many yummy treats for them to add to make the perfect cup of hot chocolate.  (marshmallows, PEPPERMINT marshmallows!, chocolate chips, candy canes, etc)  I apologize but I didn't think to take a picture of the set up.  But we used beautiful glass containers to display all the toppings and make it as fanciful as possible.  This coincidentally corresponds with our Winter Sing, where they are transporting our kids to the high school auditorium in the cold weather.  Warm Teachers = Happy Teachers :)

7 Days til Winter Break
Today's a special day!
The kids have been so hard at work
To sing in a merry way!

Day 6:  Bottle of Hand Lotion

6 Days til Winter Break,
The air is dry and cold.
Soft and smooth your hands will be
With this lotion made of gold.

Day 5: Hersey's Kisses in a Decorative Tree (idea and directions for a similar tree from Qbee's Quest blog)

5 Days til Winter Break
This special tree for you
Filled with yummy chocolates
That make even Santa say "Woo-hoo!"

Day 4: Code for a Redbox Movie Rental and Popcorn

4 Days til Winter Break,
The weekend is in sight.
A movie and some popcorn
Relax and enjoy the night!

Day 3: Small Bottle of Soda Decorated Like a Reindeer

3 Days til Winter Break,
8 Reindeer pull the sleigh.
We thought you might need a little drink
To help you through the day.

Day 2:  A Pair of Gloves

2 Days til Winter Break,
The weather's oh so bitter
These gloves should help to keep you
From freezing cold this winter!

Day 1: (A fan favorite!)  A Roll of Wrapping Paper, Tape and Gift Tags

Since November you've been shopping,
Barely sleeping, hardly stopping.
Now it's late, you're in a scrape,
Out of paper, out of tape.
Hope this wrap helps save the day.
Have a Happy Holiday!

As I said earlier, we are extremely blessed to have such a wonderful group of teachers and staff.  We hope these daily gifts leading up to Winter Break show them just how much we appreciate them and all they do.  


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