Monday, January 2, 2017

Gingerbread Houses ~ Bringing Back a Childhood Tradition

I realize that it is January & Christmas is over, but it would be a shame for me not to share with you another one of our fun, family activities that we did over the holidays.  Growing up making Gingerbread houses out of graham crackers was an annual tradition.  My siblings & I created what we considered to be GRAND masterpieces out of candy canes, gumdrops, M&M's, and whatever other sugary treat Mom laid out on the table.  Now while we have done this a few times with our kids, it's yet to become an annual tradition.  But since we were all together this Christmas, there seemed like no better time to bring back an family favorite.  :) 

So we each started out making our frames with graham crackers and frosting.  Some more elaborate than others....

The kiddos had fun being creative in their own unique and interesting ways...

Some family members took the construction and design very seriously. (I believe I have mentioned that competitiveness and OCD run in my family before, right?)

While others....ummm....not so much.  LOL!

But after it was all said and done, the houses were built, decorated with as little or as much creativity and candy as we wanted.  Eight wonderful Gingerbread houses stood.  Each home to a Snowman Marshmallow Peep, in representation of my dad as these were his favorite.

Honey and my sister's significant other T sat out of the festivities to then be deemed judges of our Gingerbread masterpieces.  They took great pride in coming up with just the right award for each of us.

The award for Most Innovative went to L.

Miss B received the award for the Most Colorful.  (It once stood proud and tall, but due to an unfortunate graham cracker situation ~ what was once a split-level became a ranch style home in a matter of seconds.  But none the less it was indeed full of color!)

The award for Most Technical Difficulty went to my nephew P.  "It just needs more candy," he said.  :)

C received the PETA Award for his bunny inspired home.  Love the ears!!

The award for Best Theme went to my sister for her UNI house.  Go Purple & Gold!!

My brother received the Tallest Building Award for his 2 story extravaganza with marshmallow shag carpeting, no less.

I received the award for Best General Appearance due to the color coordinated Chicklet roof.

And last but certainly not least was Mom's.  She was given the Most Modern Award for her rounded roof.   (That alone was comedy in the making, literally! LOL!)

We all had so much fun!  It brought back such fabulous memories of when we were kids AND we got to share them with our own children as well.  I definitely foresee it being a tradition that we continue in the years to come.  I want to extend a special thank you to our judges, Honey and T, for their construction expertise.  We are sure glad that we impressed you with our candy covered creations.  :)

I'm not sure why but I have a sudden urge to watch Wreck-it Ralph ??  Hmmm....candy covered race cars!?!  That's what we should build next year! Gingerbread Race Cars ~ YES!  :)  Until next time, my friends....


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