Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Nutcracker Ballet and a Night Fit for a Hallmark Movie

There are so many special holiday traditions that only happen this time of year ~ decorating the tree, baking (eating) delicious Christmas goodies, the music, and of course the colorful lights that adorn houses on each and every block.  As each year passes, and lives get busier & busier, I vowed that we would do our best to just slow down this month and enjoy the season.  A few weeks ago, while Mom was here celebrating her birthday, we had a very special day where we did just that.  It started out as a Girl's Day where Mom, Miss B and myself got all dressed up and went to see the most timeless of Holiday Traditions... the Nutcracker Ballet.

I had been once in my younger years, but this was Mom and Miss B's first time.  It was just as magical as I remember!  The costumes, the grace and beauty of the dancers, the story line and of course the music.  Miss B didn't take her eyes off the stage the entire performance!

No matter the occasion, there is always time for some "intermission selfies".   :)

And of course snacks!  lol!

As the dancers took their final bow...

and the curtains lowered, I looked over at Miss B & Mom and smiled.  I love being able to experience these moments with two of the most special ladies in my life.  It truly is what makes the holiday season so magical.

As we were leaving the theater, it had begun to snow (which was actually perfect for our evening activities).  And it really was a very pretty snow.  :)

After a quick stop at home to change (as nylons & high heels are by no means warm!) and pick up the boys, we headed to a near-by town that each year has a special event called the Christmas Walk.  They have a lighted parade...

And Main Street is all decorated and festive for the holidays.  It was absolutely beautiful!  It looked like something straight out of a Hallmark Channel movie (which are my not-so-secret obsessions, especially during Christmas time).

Several shops and businesses were open, serving delicious hot chocolate and cookies.  Of course, we had to stop and get some.  Yum!

As we walked down the street enjoying the sounds and smells of Christmas ~ they literally had chestnuts roasting on an open fire! ~ we marveled at the beautiful live window displays in several of the store fronts.  Their were dancers, cookie making, children dressed in pajamas playing board games and so much more.  One of our favorites was a gentleman singing classic Frank Sinatra songs.   He just so happened to be singing "New York, New York" as we passed by.  It was so good, it deserved a Rockettes inspired kick-line.  LOL!

At last, we made our final stop where all good little boys and girls go during Christmas... to visit Santa Claus, of course!

Miss B gave him a "brief" rundown of a few things on her list this year...

Honey asked for "warm sandy beaches and palm trees" (oh how, I love that man!)

Even Mom got to tell Santa her Christmas wish!

You may be wondering, what happened to L during the visit to Santa...well he opted to stay outside and "watch" our hot chocolate.   :)

It was a beautiful night, with fresh fallen snow and the spirit of Christmas in the air.  But as we started to get a little chilly, and deemed it time to head back, we couldn't help but notice the display in the window of the travel company.  Hmmmm......maybe next year!?!

We finished out the evening driving around looking at some of the beautiful light displays that families have up for the season.  We especially love the ones set to music!  Being technically challenged myself, it never ceases to amaze me the perfect coordination between the music and lights.  I love it!!

So all in all, it was a perfect Holiday-inspired day.  Even though I had  shopping that still needed to be done, presents to wrap and baking to do...taking the day to slow down, spend time with the ones I love and make new memories together was far more special and important.  I hope you are all enjoying your holiday season.  And remember to take time to stop and smell the chestnuts (they really are amazing!)



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