Friday, December 30, 2016

Our Story of Christmas . . .

Christmas is special in so many ways,
People look forward to it ~ counting the days.
The presents, the goodies, the bright holiday cheer, 
For it only comes 'round once every year.

The first Christmas gift is nothing to dread,
It's tradition for new pj's as you climb into bed.

Even the "Big Kids" joined in on the fun, 
Of course, we definitely couldn't be out done.
A photo was taken ~ we couldn't be gladder, 
Even if one of us had to stand on a ladder.

Letters were written ~ milk and cookies set out,
Then off to bed went the kiddies without even a shout.

Christmas morning came early ~ as it usually does,
"Did Santa stop by?" ~ all were a buzz.
The stockings were full and presents under the tree,
Kids couldn't wait ... so much to see. 

Miss B was excited with speakers and markers,
The mermaid style blanket made her go a little bonkers!

L was ecstatic with his Legos and video game, 
But the new VR headset put everything to shame.

C got new shoes, hat and a special Pokemon,
The suitcase is for his adventure that will be here before long.

This year Honey & I thought out of the box,
So much so, that the kids were in shock.
It's no secret that our family really loves the ocean, 
Aquatic animals are one of our kids biggest devotion.
So we adopted an animal in each child's name,
It was a special delight ~ as we heard them exclaim!
A dolphin named Pa'ani, a turtle named Lilo, 
and a whale named Dragon ~  couldn't have been more perfect, if you know.

My nephew P was excited with his gifts as well,
He even did a little dance that we though was just swell.

The best was his Hulk fist, ~ a favorite of young and old,
Even Uncle T found a new use for it to hold.

We spent the day playing games and some taking a nap, 
After cleaning up all the leftover gift wrap.

I'd be doing a disservice if I didn't share these last pics,
The VR headset was full of cool tricks.
We all tried it out ~ the big and the small, 
The effects were so real ~ dinos and all.  :)

I hope you've enjoyed this little Christmas story,
In all it's rhyming and all it's glory.
It's was never about the gifts this year,
But being together was most special and dear.
I hope your holiday was merry and bright, 
And for now I will wish you all a very good night.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Eve ~ A Celebration of Life

Christmas Eve ~ a time for family, a time for celebration and a time for love.  I mentioned in a previous post that we recently lost my father very suddenly.  So this year, after attending Christmas Eve church service, our entire family came together to celebrate the life of an amazing husband, father and grandpa.  

Mom had purchased Chinese lanterns for each of us to release in honor of Dad.  So we all bundled up and headed into the backyard.

My brother T, the forever Eagle Scout, was the first to see his take flight.

Then my Mom's was next . . .

 One by one, each lantern was released . . . 

As we all stood there, together, and watched the lanterns light the Christmas Eve sky ~ we remembered and honored a truly great man.

The word "amazing" gets thrown around a lot in several different aspects in life.  But there really isn't a more fitting word to describe the man that I am blessed to call Dad.  He brought joy and laughter to everyone he met.  Which considering he could walk up to a complete stranger, start a conversation and within minutes have made a new friend speaks volumes. He loved the Kansas City Chiefs, St. Louis Cardinals, UNI sports, reading, jogging, his early morning coffee at McDonald's, but most of all his family.  So on Christmas Eve, we not only honored the man, but everything that he stood for ~ honesty, integrity, hard-work, determination, adventure and most of all love.

A very special thank you to David, our family friend and old neighbor, for spending your Christmas Eve with us and taking such beautiful pictures that not only captured the moments but the spirit as well.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! (

With love,