Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Last Day of Summer Vacation

It's so hard to believe that today is the last day of Summer Vacation.  But we were determined to finish it off in style!  We started with lunch . . . joined by our good friends the S Family.  

Then it was off to finish one last thing on our Summer Bucket List, Mini Golfing!  

Once the logisitics of who went first, second, third and so on were figured out, we were able to play.  With only a few minor "hazards" along the way.  :)  

Then the unthinkable happened . . . Miss B hit her first Hole-in-One!!  Check out that smile!!

That of course set the boys on a mission.  They were determined to try to match her "skill". However, next up was the dreaded "water hazard" hole.  :(  After the first ball ended up in the water, it was destiny that the rest would follow.  oh well, at least they are smiling . . .

Group shot in front of the 9th Hole Fountain . . .

Just as we were about to finish up for the day, it happened . . . B got her SECOND Hole-in-One!!!  I think she may have taken private lessons from her Uncle T when we weren't looking.  

Last stop of our day was the local soda shop for an old-fashioned chocolate milk shake, complete with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

I chose to upgrade mine to a Caramel Crunch Sundae.  YUM!!

It was a tasty way to end the day.  :)  Now home to pack lunches and lay out First Day of School outfits.  Bye-Bye Summer . . .  I can't believe how fast it has flown by.  It's sure has been a great one!!  Until next year . . .

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