You've all heard the saying "Boys are completely different than girls". Other than the obvious areas which include shopping for clothes (sorry, but girls clothes are so much fun!), there is the issue of dramatics. I love ALL THREE of my kids equally, but the boys are pretty mellow. Now Miss B is a completely different story. Take losing a tooth for example: The boys would say, "Hey Mom, I have a loose tooth." Then within minutes, POP, it was out. With little to no drama. Miss B discovers a loose tooth and the world is miraculously coming to an end. There are tears, there is screaming, followed by the phrase "Just leave it!! I don't want it out". To date she has lost 4 teeth, so the we could understand her being scared the first time because she wasn't sure what to expect. But by the 3rd and 4th time, it had become just a little over the top. Even when we would reassure her that it would be OK and just like last time, nothing bad was going to happen. Keep in mind, this is all in addition to knowing that she would get a visit from the Tooth Fairy! :) I am not belittling her being scared, because I understand that for younger kids, these things can be quite difficult to process. But I thought you might need a little backstory to grasp the magnitude for what happened tonight....
Halfway through dinner, B noticed that she had a loose tooth. Honey & I looked at each other, knowing what was to come. (One piece of information that I failed to mention was that up until now I have been the one that has had to actually pull out her tooth.) So this time, I thought we should try something new, she could try to pull it out herself. Believe me this took a little coaxing, but there was very minimal drama. Then after a short amount of time, it happened!!! She pulled it out, ALL BY HERSELF!!
We were all so proud!!!! Honey & I cheered and clapped. Way to Go B!! Of course, then she has to run to show her brother. I think that is a look of shock. :) Due to the lack of dramatics, he didn't even know she was trying to get it out.
Miss B was also super excited that she got to use the new Tooth Fairy pillow that my Mom had made for her. (Every Tooth Fairy pillow needs a princess crown, right?)
"We have to put it in there gently," she said. "It is a "baby" tooth after all." (Yes, these truly were her words.)
Under the pillow it went, and the next morning the Tooth Fairy had made her visit. :)
Until the next loose tooth discovery ...
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