Thursday, April 6, 2017

Our Vero Beach Family Portraits

Last summer, we spent an amazing, fun-filled week at Disney's Vero Beach Resort in Vero Beach, Florida.  It is located on the most gorgeous property overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Picture Perfect, you could say.  So much so that we decide to take advantage of the beautiful scenery and have our family portraits taken.  Believe me when I say that they were long overdue!  After consulting with the wonderful Cast Members at the resort, they put us in touch with Verola Studio.  And let me just say this, the Disney Magic that I talk about so often is not only limited to the parks ~ because they couldn't have been a better fit for our family. They were extremely easy to work with and their photography is unbelievable!!  We gave a sneak preview, so to speak, with our Christmas Card last year but here some of my favorites from our session.  I literally beam every time I look at them!  :)

I knew ahead of time that I wanted individual shots of each of the kids to hang on the wall in our newly remodeled basement (find the link to this project HERE).  Our photographer couldn't have captured them more perfectly.  I will admit to tearing up a little at how grown up they each look...where does the time go?!

Brotherly love ~ makes me smile every time...

And of course there was moments between Honey & I, individually with the kids.  Love, love, love them all!!

If you can't already tell, I had a hard time narrowing down which pictures to share.  We had so much fun & loved them all!

Can't leave out the ones of just Honey & I ...  (this first one is one of my favorites!)

And of course, we could not ignore the fact that while we were on a beach,  we were on a DISNEY beach.  And no Disney trip of ours is complete without the traditional Mickey Ice Cream Bar.   :)

To say we were pleased with the portraits would be an understatement.  Verola Studio is AMAZING!  We would recommend them to anyone!!  They captured our family dynamic to a T.  The togetherness, the fun, the humor, and most importantly ... the love.  We can't thank them enough!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Finding Solace in the Sunrise

It is no secret that I love the beach.  The sound of the waves crashing upon the shore, the smell of the ocean breeze in the air, and of course, the feel of my toes buried in the sand. Everything about it speaks to me.  I may be a Midwestern girl, but my heart and soul are most at peace when I am at the beach.  So it should come as no surprise that after my dad passed, the one place I wanted to go to process or decompress, if you will, was the beach.  Thankfully, Honey agreed.   So after a quick call to my brother T, we were off to spend a long weekend with him... which is conveniently near Juno Beach, Florida.  We spent our first day lounging in the sand, soaking up the sun, and enjoying just being there.  But the next morning, we woke early and headed to the coast before the rest of world even had their first cup of coffee. If you remember on my 40 x 42 list, one of my dreams was to watch the sunrise on the beach. The beach is so beautiful during the day, but I have always wanted to see it from the beginning, so to speak.  As we kicked of our flip-flops and took that first step into the cool sand, I knew in my heart this was going to be one of those moments in my life that changed me.  And I was not wrong.   As the first glow of the sun began to show on the horizon, I was in awe.  The colors, the warmth and the beauty were overwhelming.  I can honestly say, with tears in my eyes, that it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.  After taking a few pictures, I just sat there in the sand and took it all in.  I felt peace.  So much so that I got up, walked to the edge of the shore and the let the water gently wash up on my feet.  Now, unbeknownst to me, Honey was taking pictures of my moment in the sun.  I don't think either of us was prepared for the result of what these pictures would reveal.  When I finally came back to sit beside him in the sand, he asked "What were you thinking about while you were out there?"  I replied, "Dad.  I was having a conversation with Dad."  He then showed me the picture below that he had taken and we both gasped.  The reflection in the sand right next to took our breaths away. 

Now I know everyone has an opinion on life after death, but the one thing that has helped my family through this difficult time is to find signs that Dad is still here with us.  Watching out for us, keeping us company when we need it or in this case...enjoying the sunrise with me.  I am so lucky to have not only shared this beautiful experience with Honey, but with my dad as well.  We grew up going to the beach, so I know that it was one of his "Happy Places" too.  I truly believe that is why I felt so at peace that morning...

I encourage you all at some point in your life to wake up just a little bit early and watch the sunrise.  Whether it be on the horizon at the beach, over the snowy caps of the Colorado mountains, or simply from the comfort of your own backyard.  I promise you, you won't regret it.

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breath, to think, to enjoy, to love... then make that day count!"
                                                                                   ~ Steve Maraboli
                                                                                       Life, The Truth and Being Free