Sunday, November 8, 2015

Epcot and the Kitchen Sink

After a full day at the Magic Kingdom, we decided on a leisurely morning at our resort.  But this Disney girl can't just lounge too long when there are places to see, characters to meet and attractions to enjoy!  So we headed over to Disney's Beach Club Resort for lunch at Beaches & Cream Soda Shop.  This quaint little dining spot has been on our To-Do List for quite some time.  It's themed after an old-fashioned soda fountain straight off the boardwalk.  While the food was delicious ~ Honey had the seafood salad sandwich and I had the amazing grilled cheese and tomato bisque ~ the real reason we went was for the ice cream!!!  I know you've all heard the phrase "Everything but the Kitchen Sink", well Disney has taken that to new heights with none other than the most unbelievable ice cream sundae EVER!!  8 scoops of ice cream covered in every topping that they have, served in the most adorable Mickey themed Kitchen Sink!!  They say it feeds 4 people but it looked more like 40.  We decided we needed the entire family (plus a few extras) if we were going to attempt that challenge.  Thankfully, they have a "Mini Kitchen Sink" for those of us that still want the experience, or in my case, the Kitchen Sink.  (It's just too cute!!)

We chose to have ours filled with the "No Way Jose" sundae.  It's chocolate and vanilla ice cream covered in peanut butter and hot fudge, topped with peanut butter & chocolate chips, whipped cream and of course, a cherry.  OH MY GOSH!!  It was still WAY more ice cream than we could eat, but completely worth the splurge!!  And I got to take the sink home!!  :)

A little exercise was definitely needed after that, and what better way than a stroll around EPCOT.  No matter how many times we visit EPCOT, I have to smile when we walk up to the gates.  I know the park's icon is meant to be a beautiful geometric sphere of gigantic proportions, but I will always see an over-sized silver golf ball.  :)  Am I alone in this thought??  

We spent most of the day walking through the countries of the World Showcase.   It's always fun to visit the shops, listen to the music and see the different cultures at work.  For those of you who have never been, you can get a glimpse into the countries of Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Italy, USA, Morocco, Japan, France, United Kingdom and Canada.  Our favorites are Japan and of course, France.

We stopped to visit with a few characters along the way.  The lines were incredibly short this time of year, so the interactions we had with them were a lot of fun!

You may have noticed our shirts for the day.  :)  It seemed only fitting that we made a special visit to our friend Alice.  Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle -Dum have nothing on us!  :)

Our final stop of the day was Test Track.  Honey was in charge of designing our virtual car.  As you can see, he went for speed as opposed to the more energy efficient model.  :)  

Not sure if the Chevy design team will be calling him any time soon.  :)  But it sure did look cool!  LOL! 

After the design process was complete, we boarded our "SIM Car" to see how it handled on a series of "tests" like rough terrain, sharp turns, steep inclines and of course, speed.  I believe we did actually hit the 65 MPH mark.  Or at least my cheeks think so...

Upon our return to the resort, we found that Mousekeeping had left another surprise for us in our room.  (swoon)  I would love to learn how to create these amazing designs someday, but for now I will just enjoy the beauty and thoughtfulness of the Cast Members at Disney. They truly are unmatched!

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