Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Our "Wishes & Dreams" Disney Vacation

Star Light, Star Bright. 
First Star I See Tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might.
Have the Wish, I Wish Tonight.

We all know how the saying goes.  You may even still say it to yourself when you see that first star of the evening.  I know I do.  I say it to myself & I say it with my kids.  No matter what you wish for, there's something peaceful (and even a little magical) about reciting these four little lines.  I've always loved this little tradition, but little did I know that it would become the "theme" so to speak of our recent trip to Disney World.

When we surprised the kids last Christmas and took them to Disney, Honey & I had no intention of going back again in the same year.  But the opportunity presented itself, and who am I to turn down a trip to the "Most Magical Place on Earth".  So with the assistance of my amazing Mother, who stayed behind to take care of the kids ~ Honey & I set out to celebrate our anniversary in the best way we know how.  Now you may be thinking 2 things: First, "You went to Disney without your kids??!!"  Yes, we did.  :)  In our defense, they went in January AND we left them little gifts to open each day, so they were more than happy. Second, for those of you that know us, know that our wedding anniversary isn't until November.  This year, we will have been married for 14 years.  However, a little known fact is that we actually started dating in September of 1995.  So, it's really our 20th Anniversary together and we thought that deserved a special celebration.  :)

We decided to try a new resort for this trip, so we booked our stay at the Coronado Springs Resort.  It's theme is Spanish Colonial Mexico with brightly colored casitas, ranchos and beachfront cabanas.  From the moment we pulled on to the property, it felt like we were in Mexico.  :)

This beautiful crest was on the wall in the Registration area.  I love how the lights shine just right to form a "not so Hidden Mickey".  

We went to check in & were greeted by the most wonderful Cast Member, Angelique.  She welcomed us and, of course, asked our names.  After a quick search on the computer, her smile changed from a "normal happy" smile to what can only be described as a "Cheshire Cat grin".  "I see you are celebrating your anniversary with us," she says.  We nod & smile.  "Happy Anniversary!"  We thank her, of course.  She continues to smile brightly as she continues through our check in process.  Now, I had been a little sneaky and pre-ordered a gift basket for Honey that was to be delivered to our room upon check in and I wanted to make sure that it had arrived. So I very nicely asked Honey to step away for a minute while I had a little chat with Angelique.  After he was safely out of hearing distance, I asked her about my gift.  She smiled & assured me that it was being delivered to our room as we speak.  :)  She didn't want to say anything before, because she wasn't aware which one of us had placed the order and didn't want to ruin the surprise.  I thanked her & waved for Honey to join us back at the desk.  She then giggled and said "I just love it when I know something you don't know."  My thoughts were on the gift basket that was making its way across the resort at that very moment.  I could hardly wait!  Honey is notorious for surprising me & this time it was my turn to do something special for him.  Angelique finished our check in process & sent us off to our room with an ear-splitting grin, "I hope you enjoy your stay here with us. Enjoy your suite!"  Now, you may be starting to see where this story is going but Honey & I were oblivious.  So you can imagine our surprise when we opened the door to our room to find this . . . 

We had been upgraded to the Executive Suite!!  To say that we were awestruck would be an understatement!!  It was absolutely gorgeous.  I think we both stood there with our jaws hanging open for what seemed like forever.  Not only was the inside of our suite beautiful, but the view outside was equally amazing.

What a way to start out our vacation!  Later on, we went back to the concierge to thank them for such a generous gift & learned that they were happy to do anything to make our "Wishes" come true.  (Wink, Wink)  Apparently when they saw the gift basket that I had ordered for Honey, they decided to take it one "Magical" step further.  :)

I placed an order from Disney Floral and Gifts for their "An Evening of Wishes" gift package. It includes a bottle of Wishes sparkling cider, 2 Mickey Mouse silhouette flutes, a silver Mickey bottle stopper, and a Mickey shaped chocolate dessert.  It also comes with 2 exclusive coins that you are to carry with you as a reminder that you have all the power to make your dreams come true.  It was stunning!

I would recommend this service to anyone celebrating something special at Disney.  It was beautifully assembled with the perfect touches of Mickey.  If you take a peek at their web site, you'll see all the different options you can choose from...birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, etc.  The ideas are almost limitless!

After getting settled in, we decided to head over to the Magic Kingdom to ride a few of our favorites.  I just love seeing Cinderella's Castle for the first time.  It's especially beautiful at night.

Now, I have already mentioned that Honey is notorious for his surprises.  Check out these shirts he had made for us before we left!  He ordered them off of Etsy so they can be custom made just for you.  We got several compliments on them as we were walking through the park.  :)

My all-time favorite thing to see at Disney World is the "Wishes" Fireworks Spectacular! (Are you noticing the theme here?!?)  We usually end our trip with it as a way to say "good-bye" so to speak, but this time we chose to see it the night we arrived.  I cry EVERY time we see it.  (I know, I know!)  But the lights, the special effects, the fireworks and most importantly the music.  It gets me every time.  It's not often that I put my camera away during these trips because I don't want to miss a single moment, however "Wishes" is the exception.  I just want to enjoy it.   But to give you an idea of how amazing it can be, here are a few pictures that were included in my Memory Maker photo package (more on that gem later).

(sigh) Pretty amazing, huh?!

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any more magical, Honey leaned down and placed the most amazing gift in my hand during the fireworks...  an Alex & Ani bracelet with the word "Wishes" across it.  It was so "I could carry my Wishes with me always".  Words simply failed me . . . 

I started this post with four little phrases that you say when you make a wish upon a star. What I will now add is that those words are part of the reason that I love "Wishes" so much.  They are also part of the song that plays during the show.  

Star Light, Star Bright,
First Star I see Tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might, 
Have the wish, I wish tonight.
We'll make a wish and do as dreamers do.

Dream a dream.
Set it free...
Trust your heart. 
Just believe.

And all our wishes, 
Will come,

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