Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hollywood Studios aka "Star Wars Day"

You may remember that for our trip earlier this year, we themed our outfits for the park or attractions that we were going to be doing that day.  This trip was no different.  Just because it was just the two of us doesn't mean that we can't be festive.  Besides it's Disney, so why not?!?  Now last time, Honey was kind enough to don several Frozen inspired shirts to keep with the family theme.  So this trip I choose the apparel for our visit to Hollywood Studios that was a little more up his alley.  Welcome to Star Wars Day!  (cue the Imperial March aka Darth Vader's theme music)

We are children of the 80's, so of course Star Wars was a pretty big part of our childhood.  And I'm not going to lie when I say it felt pretty cool to walk around the park all day in a Darth Vader tank & earrings.  :)  (I wonder if that's how Honey felt in his Elsa "Let It Go!" shirt...hmmmm...probably not.)  

What better way to start Star Wars Day than to ride Star Tours!  It has been refurbished in the last couple of years, so this was my first time riding it since it re-opened.  Still amazing!!!

Hollywood Studios is undergoing A LOT of changes right now.  They are paving the way for several additions, including the largest single-themed land expansion ever at Disney ...  Star Wars Land!  So while a few of our favorite attractions have been closed to make way for this 
impressive addition, Disney doesn't ever just leave you with open, empty space.  So we had a lot of fun goofing around in the shops and backlot scenes set up to "keep the magic" going so to speak.  I have no doubt that we would have completely embarrassed the heck out of our kids, but what they didn't see won't scar them... too much.  :)

Sorry Honey, but our keys won't work on that particular model of Snow Speeder.  :(  We have the "other" grey one.

Look Out!  Incoming!!!!

Here Bantha, Bantha!  This way.  That's a good extra-terrestrial buffalo....

This Jawa Sand Crawler took up this entire shop!  It was amazing!!  (I know that I am impressing you all with my knowledge of Star Wars terminology right now!)  :)

FINALLY... we escaped the clutches of the Imperial Forces!  We couldn't have done it without Honey's superior driving skills on this Speeder Bike!  Whew!!  (Kids ~ aren't you so proud of your parents right now?  lol!)

Next, we headed over to a family favorite, Toy Story Mania.  Now if you remember from our last trip, I was challenged by C to a battle of skill on this ride.  This time it was Honey who issued the call to battle.  :)  And after the dust from darts, rings, and smashed plates settled ...  I still reign victorious!!!

Even without the kids, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to sing along with some of our favorite Frozen characters.  It was just a spectacular as before!  

As we walked Hollywood Boulevard, we stumbled upon the most hilarious group of street performers or "Streetmosphere Characters" as Disney calls them.  They are there to interact with the crowd while playing their roles as "old Hollywood royalty" so to speak.  I highly recommend stopping to watch them if you get the chance.  You will never see the same show twice as their material comes from the crowd .  It's family friendly, of course, and completely worth the time.  This group was a riot!!!

Meet "Holden Hollywood"...

"Mimi Kaboom"

And "Shelby Mayer"

In addition to several attractions closed due to the creation of Star Wars Land and also a new Pixar Land near Toy Story Mania, Hollywood Studios also removed it's signature icon, the Sorcerer's Hat.  We knew this was happening after our visit in January, however we weren't quite prepared for how empty the street would look without this fabulous feature.  Now you have a beautiful view of Grauman's Chinese Theater, but I'm not going to sugar coat it...I missed the Hat.  Such a bummer!

If you ever have the opportunity to visit Disney World without your kids, you'll notice that you have more time to just wander.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE coming here with my children!  Their smiles & happiness there cannot be matched.  However when it's just the adults, you are able to do things at a different style and pace.  We strolled through the shops, sat & people watched, looked for hidden treasures throughout the park and of course tried new snacks/desserts.  :)  Can you say YUMMY?!

We found the umbrella again from the film, "Singing in the Rain".  Honey was able to find the "secret" switch and actually make it rain this time!  

We noticed that they were starting to put up the Christmas lights on the buildings in preparation for the Osborne Spectacle of Lights holiday show.  It was amazing to see up close just how many lights are actually on the buildings!  It's unbelievable!!!  We were also saddened to hear that this year will be the last year for this remarkable display.  :( Heartbreaking to see it go, but so glad that we got to view it for the last time with the kids during our Frozen Dessert Experience.  What an amazing memory to have!!

It came to my attention that in all our times here, Honey had never seen the Beauty and the Beast stage performance.  :)  Apparently, that was my go-to attraction while the boys rode more "exciting" rides like Tower of Terror or Rock n' Roller Coaster.  lol!   With the movie being one of my favorites, he graciously agreed to see the show with me.  The costumes, the music and theatrics are all beautifully done.  It really is "a tale as old as time" ...

We ended our day with my other most favorite thing at Disney World, Fantasmic!  I won't bore you with all the reasons that I love it again, but I will say that this ... it never gets old.  When people ask me what is the one thing that they should make sure to do when visiting the parks, without hesitation I say Fantasmic.  There really is nothing like it!

As we were getting ready to head back to the resort, we stumbled upon a first for us.  The most perfect Character Greeting to sum up our day at Hollywood Studios, Sorcerer Mickey! 

Next up, Animal Kingdom!  Any guesses what that day's theme will be???  :)

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