Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School 2015

It's the first day of school!  Am I alone in saying that I have mixed feelings about the kids going back this year?  I know that they are all going to have a great year, but I am quite sad to see the summer end.  We had so much fun and made so many lasting memories!  But I guess the time as come to pack away the swim bags & get out the book bags, lunchboxes and alarm clocks.

We started the day with the traditional 1st Day of School decorations.  I found these printables on Pinterest several years back and they have graced our dining room since.  It's a simple way to decorate for such a special day.

When I went to wake L up, he simply replied "Already?!"  My thoughts exactly, but at least he was all smiles at breakfast.

Then came the requisite 1st Day of School pictures.  They absolutely LOVE these!  (ha ha) First up, my handsome 7th grader . . . 

This is the "seriously Mom" face . . .

And of course, Miss B . . . our beautiful 2nd grader!

I'm in love with her backpack!  Bright & sassy just like her.  :)

We are all looking forward to a great year as both kids have amazing teachers!!  C started college today also & we can't wait to see what this new year brings for him as well!  So proud of all my kids!  xoxo

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