Friday, August 28, 2015

Summer 2015 ~ That's a Wrap!

While the kids have been back in school for a full week now, we are still readjusting to homework, early mornings, and packing lunches.  Don't get me wrong, its been a great week!  All THREE kids love their teachers and their classes.  L is even learning a little French this quarter.  :)  Even with all the excitement of the week, I find that I am still wishing that it was summer.  So with that in mind, I thought I would recap a few of our summer 2015 highlights for you.

We spent a lot of time at our public library, not only reading but participating in some of the amazing activities that they had planned.  In addition to the Super Hero Science Experiments, we made corded bracelets and learned how to make a bag out of a t-shirt (to name a few).  The kids had a blast & it was always a fun way to spend the afternoon.

We checked off several things from our Summer Bucket List.

Bowling ~ We took advantage of the Kids Bowl Free Program.  You go online to and sign up.  Then each week, they send you coupons through email for 2 free games per day at your local participating bowling alley.  The coupons do not cover shoe rental, but regardless it's a fantastic program & a great way to spend a rainy afternoon!  We may not be the best bowlers but always have a ton of fun.  One day we decided to have "Disney Day" (shocking, I know) and instead of Mom, L & B . . . we were Chip, Pascal & Rapunzel.  :)

STRIKE #1 for Miss B!

STRIKE #1 for L!

Go to the Movies ~ We couldn't let the summer pass by without seeing a few of it's big blockbusters! 

Like Inside Out . . .  Meet Joy & Disgust!

and Jurassic World . . . L's favorite!  

Let me preface this next picture with this, I am a big chicken!  I don't like being scared AT ALL! While I realize this does not classify as a horror movie, but I knew from the previous 3 movies that not everyone on the island was going to walk away all happy go lucky.  Hello ....  don't you think these people would learn!!  People & dinosaurs don't mix!!  DUH!!  So I was a little nervous going into it.  L promised me if we went on this Mother/ Son date that he would buy me nachos.  I'm a sucker for nachos, so I caved.  I was still scared but braved the T-Rex, velociraptors and the Mesosaurus for a little one on one time with my boy.  What we won't do for our kids...

Roller Skating ~ This was a favorite past time of mine growing up, so I was excited when the kids wanted to put this on our Bucket List.  It was a little slow starting out with quite a few falls by all. Thankfully, I thought ahead & added knee pads under their pants for a little extra cushion .  :)  It didn't take long before they were letting go of the wall & zipping along like pros.  They have already asked when we can go again, so I think we may have found a new favorite pastime.  Is there such a thing as Family Style Roller Derby???  (Totally kidding!)

British Soccer Camp ~ This was L's fourth year & B's first year attending British Soccer Camp.  It has always been a highlight of the summer and this year did not disappoint.  Both kids learn new skills as well as improved upon their existing ones.  They are divided into groups by countries: L was Zimbabwe and Miss B was Russia.  Throughout the week, each team earns "World Cup" points for effort, skills, teamwork and participating in the daily "quest".  The quest can be something as simple as learn one fact about your country to "Wild & Wacky Wednesday".  As you can imagine, our kids wanted to go all out with a Capital W for this one!  Don't get me started on the black and neon green hair paint debacle!  FYI ~ hair paint does in fact run when mixed with sweat.  One would have thought this would be obvious since it supposed rinse out with water ...  live & learn, right?!  

Practicing goalie . . .


B & Coach Emma

L & Coach Chris

Visited the Zoo ~ We visited the lions, measured our "wing-span" against the Bald Eagle, fed the giraffes, rode the train, hopped with the wallabies and of course stopped to visit my favorite little reptile.  Just your typical day at the zoo. . .

L's wing-span is the same as a Turkey Vulture.

B's wing-span is the same as a Swallow-tailed Kite.

Moved C back into the Dorms ~  After working very hard this summer, C is looking forward to starting a new adventure back at college.  He was accepted to be a Resident Assistant or RA for the upcoming school year.  We couldn't be more proud of him!  This is an amazing opportunity for him and I know that he will rise to the challenge.  He had to be back to campus a little earlier than normal for training, as well as to set up his room and get the floor ready for the incoming students.  The Hall that he is living in has a theme.  Each RA got to choose a famous landmark and design the floor around their particular choice.  C chose New York.  So with a little creativity & the help of the Cricut, the masterpieces that make up the students doors were created.  He was also responsible for several bulletin boards.  I think they all turned out amazing!  As a psychology major with a family services minor, the RA position is right up his alley.  We have faith that he will help and guide students as they need him & generally be a great role model.  Love him more that words can say!

As the students moved in, their names were added to the taxi cabs for a more personal touch.

Last but certainly not least, we got to celebrate a very special birthday.  Grandma D turned 85 this summer.  We all gathered together for a small party which consisted of playing cards, munching on yummy snacks and a girls only trip to the nail salon where we all got relaxing pedicures.  It was a perfect day!  Not to mention, we took what is probably one of my favorite pictures . . . 4 generations. Grandma D is an amazing lady!  She was a huge part of my childhood and now as an adult, I realize how lucky I am to have such a special person in my life.  We are all truly blessed.

So as this summer comes to a close, I am grateful for all the laughs we had, good times we shared and memories we made.  It really was a summer to remember.  Until next year . . . 

Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School 2015

It's the first day of school!  Am I alone in saying that I have mixed feelings about the kids going back this year?  I know that they are all going to have a great year, but I am quite sad to see the summer end.  We had so much fun and made so many lasting memories!  But I guess the time as come to pack away the swim bags & get out the book bags, lunchboxes and alarm clocks.

We started the day with the traditional 1st Day of School decorations.  I found these printables on Pinterest several years back and they have graced our dining room since.  It's a simple way to decorate for such a special day.

When I went to wake L up, he simply replied "Already?!"  My thoughts exactly, but at least he was all smiles at breakfast.

Then came the requisite 1st Day of School pictures.  They absolutely LOVE these!  (ha ha) First up, my handsome 7th grader . . . 

This is the "seriously Mom" face . . .

And of course, Miss B . . . our beautiful 2nd grader!

I'm in love with her backpack!  Bright & sassy just like her.  :)

We are all looking forward to a great year as both kids have amazing teachers!!  C started college today also & we can't wait to see what this new year brings for him as well!  So proud of all my kids!  xoxo