Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Little Fall Family Fun

Today the original plan was to take a trip to an apple orchard, however the weather decided not to cooperate.  Temps in the low 30° seemed more appropriate for picking out a Christmas Tree than for picking apples.  However, the day was not to be lost!  A local greenhouse was having a Fall Family Fun Event, so we bundled up and headed over to check it out.  And boy are we glad we did!!

First stop was the mini corn maze . . .  which ended up being a game of hide & seek from Mom.  :)

Then we headed inside, where it was warm mind you, to where they had face painting. While we waited, we snacked on free popcorn and apple cider & admired the beautiful home decor items they had on display.  (OK, I admired.)

Then it was back outside, where there was a bounce house & slide  . . .

Tractor races . . .  (This was B's favorite, I think.  She could have ridden all day if we would have let her.)

and a train ride for the kids, which we found out went through a small hidden apple orchard at the back of the property.  Who knew!  

We (meaning me!) couldn't resist a little photo op in the over sized Adirondack chair. 

 Notice the gorgeous mums at the base of the chair?  They were Buy 1 Get 1!  To good a deal to pass up, especially since I had the perfect spots for them.  Honey graciously picked out a beautiful orange one and yellow one.  I can honestly say with the additions of those, my outdoor decor was complete. (Look for that post a little later)

We were very impressed with this event!  Everyone had a great time despite the chilly weather.  I'm not going to lie, I had my first official hot cocoa of the season as soon as we got home.  :)  But it was well worth it when I looked at the smiling faces of my little kitty & "scary" bat.   Happy Fall!

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