Sunday, March 31, 2019

Me & My Mini ~ 5 Things We Enjoy & Ways to Connect with Your Kids

This is me taking advantage of the fact that "dressing like your Mom" is still cool!  I realize that in a few short years, or maybe even months, matching her mom is not going to even be a topic of discussion.  (I can almost hear the "Ummm ... no thanks, with an eye-roll added for effect, in the not so distant future).  So while looking through these pictures, it got me thinking about how fast time flies with kids & before we know it, we blink & they are adults with lives all their own.  Chance turns 24 in just a just a few days!  Yikes!

While the boys & I have our own special & unique bond and enjoy spending quality time together as well, Miss B is truly a Mini-Me.

Top 5 Things Brooke & I enjoy doing together:

1.  Cleaning & Organizing - She has been a driving force in the mission to turn our home into something Marie Kondo would be proud of.  She gets excited to try new cleaning products ... our new obsessions are Method & Mrs. Meyers.  (Why we were so late to try these, I will never know!)  AND, (almost) every night her room is completely picked up & bed made the next morning.  It is safe to say that at times her room is more clean than ours.  lol!

2.  Cooking & Baking - This little lady would love to be the next "Top Chef Jr.", so she has always enjoyed spending time with me in the kitchen.  Grilled cheese & quesadillas were her favorite until we started getting some of our meals from Home Chef.  Now she's chopping & sauteing like a true sous chef!

3.  Reading - Even though this is a part of her nightly homework, I love that she grabs her book without a second thought & climbs into bed with me to read.  I have always loved reading & it warms my heart to know that she shares another passion of mine.  While we obviously aren't reading the same novel, it's snuggled up under the covers (her in her fake reading glasses & me in my real ones) sharing some quiet time together that I will cherish always.

4.  Fashion & all things Beauty - It's obvious that we both like clothes and putting together fun, stylish outfits.  But what I didn't realize until recently was that she was exploring the beauty aspect as well.  My first clue was when she started trying different hairstyles at home on her own & I asked where she got that idea .. to which she simply replied "YouTube".  (ummm...yes we monitor our kids online usage & content, but I had no clue that she was watching hair tutorials!  A lot of time it was just music as a background, so I thought it was another Minecraft video!!  BTW, this is also where she gets her cleaning ideas from!  Who knew!?!  The question now is ... who's going to be spending more time in the bathroom getting ready ... Brooke or Mom???

5.  Starbucks - Right now we are both LOVING the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher!!  You can have it plain or sometimes we spice it up & add some coconut milk.  I tried the wonderful concoction first, but as soon as she had a taste of mine ~ it became her new favorite!  No need to twist either of our arms for a quick drive thru at Starbucks!!

So while we may not always agree on everything or have those typical Mother/ Daughter moments of frustration (you know we all have them)...

I will forever cherish these moments with her (just as I do with my boys), when "hanging out" with Mom is cool!

*This post is NOT sponsored.  All opinions & thoughts are my own.*

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