Sunday, April 7, 2019

My Top 10 Beauty Favorites (+1)

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  We have all heard that quote a time or two over the course of our lives, but what if the beholder has no idea what makes her FEEL beautiful?  I say FEEL because everyone's idea of beauty is different, everyone;s time to spend on a skin care or makeup routine is different, and everyone's budget is different.  That question asked above was me not that long ago.  I have always struggled with self-esteem a bit in life.  It wasn't until recently that I felt confident sharing products, techniques and tips with others that I have found make me feel better about myself.  Because in the end, that's what truly matters ... how you feel about yourself, that you love yourself and that you are confident in your own skin.  I am by no means an expert, and will usually defer to those who have a degree or license because that is their job.  But I love learning new things & trying new products that I may not have had the courage to before.  So having said all that, here are a few of my favorite products that I am currently using that I thought you may enjoy as well.

*Milani Eyeshadow Primer - I discovered this game changer whole looking for a primer for Brooke and her dance makeup.  Her eyeshadow is a loose, fine powder so we needed something for it to stick to & hopefully not fade throughout the long days of competitions.  This drugstore find does the job, so much so that I decided to try it on myself, (cue the choir singing ... Hallelujah!)  Since using this primer, I have used less eye shadow because I rarely need to touch up during the day hence saving me time but also money in return.

*Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette - Speaking of eyeshadow, this particular brand has become one of my favorites because of its neutral shaded for everyday wear and get this ... it TRULY smells like chocolate!!  Talk about eye candy!!  (Love the Sweet Peach Palette as well, and yes, to smells like a fresh Georgia peach!)

*Benefit Precisely, My Brow Pencil - For the longest time, I did not use anything on my eyebrows.  I do get them waxed, because frankly I do not have enough confidence in myself to pluck them correctly.  So during a waxing, my stylist asked if I ever penciled in my brows ... um no.  She recommended looking into it because my eyebrows are so light that it often looked like I didn't really have any.  Not going to lie, I had visions of looking like I had tried to draw my eyebrows on with a crayon... y'all know what I'm talking about.  So when I went in to the store I had a really wonderful associate help me choose the right color AND show me how to do it.  Some of the best advice I have ever received!

*Benefit Roller Lash Mascara - I've tried a lot of mascara brands, but this one has been my staple for quite some time now.  It goes on beautifully & lasts all day long.  It's water-resistant and doesn't smudge.  No more Alice Cooper eyes!  (Not that there is anything wrong with Alice Coopers's choice of make up)

*IT Cosmetic Brushes - When I first went on the search for new make up brushes, this particular brand was recommended to me by my friend Nicole (who also doubles as my esthetician).  Not only do they have a wide variety for you to choose from but they are great quality as well.  While you can buy them individually to meet your particular needs, I chose this set to start with because it had everything that I needed.  the traveling case is perfect for storage and care as well!!

*MAC Lip Liner SOAR - This has been my go to lip liner for years!  It's described as a "midtone pinkish brown" color.  It's long lasting and easy to pair with you favorite neutral colored lipstick.  I always feel like my lipstick lasts longer when I use it.

*NYX Blush - Another drugstore favorite of mine!  It comes in a variety of colors to match your skin tone and preference.  I wear the color Rose & Play for my everyday look as it is a relatively neutral shade but gives me just enough color to keep me from feeling "washed out".

*Laura Mercier Invisible Loose Setting Powder - This is a recent purchase of mine that took no time at all to fall in love with.  It is a little bit of an investment but a little goes a long way so I suspect that it will last for quite some time.  Not to mention it gives you that flawless finish that we are all looking for.  LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

*Urban Decay Oil Control Setting Spray - I have always struggled with oily skin and for the longest time felt like by mid-morning or even lunchtime (if I was lucky) that my face would look all kinds of shiny & no that dewy glow that is considered beautiful but more like I just ran a mile in the heat of summer look.  (Not exactly what I was going for when I applied my make up that morning).  This product solves that problem.  I call it my "miravle in a bottle"!  A couple of sprays after I am completely done applying my make up & Voila! ... no more oil slick!  In fact, my make up stays quite fresh throughout the day.

*Estee Lauder Advanced Night Eye Repair - Adding an eye cream to my daily skin care routine was one of the last things that I incorporated.  But then I started to see more fine lines & wrinkles then I was ready to accept.  The skin under my eyes was not getting enough hydration, hence leading to more dark circles, puffiness and yes ~ those wrinkles.  This product not only repairs, but fortifies and nourishes.  I instantly feel a difference after applying.  Yes, the bottle is also an investment.  But for me, it has made me FEEL better, so I'll take it.

*Skin Gym Rose Quartz Crystal Facial Roller -  I just purchased this not too long ago, and if you follow me on Instagram you will have already heard me talk about it.  I now use it everyday!  I put it in the freezer after I put on my moisturizers and such, then take it out after I have dried my hair (about 20 minutes or so ... yes it does take me that long to dry my hair, but that is a post for a different day).  Then I simply follow the directions on the package and give my face a little relaxing massage.  While this might seem like a luxury to you, and it is believe me, I have noticed a difference in my skin since adding this to my morning routine.  It feels smoother and more radiant.  I especially love how it feels underneath my eyes.  Rose quartz is considered the "ultimate love stone promoting self love in particular" and if we go back to the beginning of this post, that's a fabulous goal to have...  Love Your Self.

While beauty is simply just a word, it's how you FEEL that can make all the difference in the world.  When we take care of ourselves ~ whether your a mom, student, career woman or all of the above ~ we FEEL better and in turn can be our best selves for those around us and all that life has to offer.

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Me & My Mini ~ 5 Things We Enjoy & Ways to Connect with Your Kids

This is me taking advantage of the fact that "dressing like your Mom" is still cool!  I realize that in a few short years, or maybe even months, matching her mom is not going to even be a topic of discussion.  (I can almost hear the "Ummm ... no thanks, with an eye-roll added for effect, in the not so distant future).  So while looking through these pictures, it got me thinking about how fast time flies with kids & before we know it, we blink & they are adults with lives all their own.  Chance turns 24 in just a just a few days!  Yikes!

While the boys & I have our own special & unique bond and enjoy spending quality time together as well, Miss B is truly a Mini-Me.

Top 5 Things Brooke & I enjoy doing together:

1.  Cleaning & Organizing - She has been a driving force in the mission to turn our home into something Marie Kondo would be proud of.  She gets excited to try new cleaning products ... our new obsessions are Method & Mrs. Meyers.  (Why we were so late to try these, I will never know!)  AND, (almost) every night her room is completely picked up & bed made the next morning.  It is safe to say that at times her room is more clean than ours.  lol!

2.  Cooking & Baking - This little lady would love to be the next "Top Chef Jr.", so she has always enjoyed spending time with me in the kitchen.  Grilled cheese & quesadillas were her favorite until we started getting some of our meals from Home Chef.  Now she's chopping & sauteing like a true sous chef!

3.  Reading - Even though this is a part of her nightly homework, I love that she grabs her book without a second thought & climbs into bed with me to read.  I have always loved reading & it warms my heart to know that she shares another passion of mine.  While we obviously aren't reading the same novel, it's snuggled up under the covers (her in her fake reading glasses & me in my real ones) sharing some quiet time together that I will cherish always.

4.  Fashion & all things Beauty - It's obvious that we both like clothes and putting together fun, stylish outfits.  But what I didn't realize until recently was that she was exploring the beauty aspect as well.  My first clue was when she started trying different hairstyles at home on her own & I asked where she got that idea .. to which she simply replied "YouTube".  (ummm...yes we monitor our kids online usage & content, but I had no clue that she was watching hair tutorials!  A lot of time it was just music as a background, so I thought it was another Minecraft video!!  BTW, this is also where she gets her cleaning ideas from!  Who knew!?!  The question now is ... who's going to be spending more time in the bathroom getting ready ... Brooke or Mom???

5.  Starbucks - Right now we are both LOVING the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher!!  You can have it plain or sometimes we spice it up & add some coconut milk.  I tried the wonderful concoction first, but as soon as she had a taste of mine ~ it became her new favorite!  No need to twist either of our arms for a quick drive thru at Starbucks!!

So while we may not always agree on everything or have those typical Mother/ Daughter moments of frustration (you know we all have them)...

I will forever cherish these moments with her (just as I do with my boys), when "hanging out" with Mom is cool!

*This post is NOT sponsored.  All opinions & thoughts are my own.*

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wishes Wednesday ~ How to plan a Magical Disney Vacation

So you've decided that you are going to visit the "Happiest Place on Earth" ~ Disney World!!  But where do you start?  Over the years, I have developed a system that works well for my family & makes planning a Magical trip relatively stress-free.  :)  This post is full to Cinderella's Castle top of information, so whether it's your first trip to Disney World or your 10th, I hope it helps to guide you as you begin the journey towards making memories with your loved ones that last a lifetime.

When is the best time to go?

Well, in my opinion, ANYTIME!  I'd gladly hop in the car tomorrow if the opportunity presented itself.  But seriously, I think above all that is the hardest question to answer.  First off, you have to go when it fits best into your schedule.  Are there times that are busier than others, like during the holidays for example, obviously!  But the best advice I can give straight off the bat, is no matter what time of year you choose to go ~ there are going to be lines, there are going to be wait times for the rides and it's most likely going to rain at some point during your visit.  But if you go in with the mindset that patience is key to having a fantastic trip, then it really doesn't matter when you go.

Typically the week of Thanksgiving and the week between Christmas & New Year's are the most crowded.  We surprised the kids a few years ago & checked in on January 2nd.  It was busy... I'm not going to lie.  However by our 2nd-3rd day there, the crowds had definitely thinned out.  Honey & I have also taken a few "adults only" (yes, that's OK to do!) trips in the Fall (September and early November to be exact), and found it to be a "Practically Perfect" time to visit (aka Mary Poppins approved).  Yet realistically with kids in school, summer or Spring Break may be the best options for you.  You just need to plan & pack accordingly.  In the summer, it is going to be HOT and HUMID so drink plenty of water and take breaks in air conditioned attractions when possible.  For those traveling during Spring Break, do NOT assume that just because it's Florida means that it's going to be a "shorts only" trip.  The weather that time of year can be unpredictable.  One year, we were in tank tops & shorts and the next... we needed our coats, hats & gloves.  But regardless of when you choose to go, Disney does it's best to make sure that you leave there with a feeling of happiness that only they can give.  :)

Booking a Vacation Package

99.9% of the time we book a Vacation Package through either the My Disney Experience website (link here) or by calling Disney directly.  Their cast members are top notch and extremely helpful in making sure that you get the best possible package for your family.  They are also great resources for any specials or discounts that may be available during your stay.  We have also tried a few shorter trips without booking a package and have found that it is not as cost effective for us.  Having said that, if you are planning on staying off Disney property (not at a Disney resort), then a vacation package is not an available option.

The first step is choosing which Resort you would like to call "home" during your stay.  There are a few things to consider when looking at resort options.  First of all, is your party 5 or more people?  The reason I bring this up is, as a family of 5, we are limited in the choices that will accommodate more than 4 people.  By no means am I saying that if your party is larger than 4 that you should rethink going.  Absolutely not!!  You just have to decide whether you want to stay at a resort that has the ability for everyone to stay in the same room or book 2 separate adjoining rooms.  Second, what does your budget allow for the cost of a resort stay?  Disney currently has 25 resort locations on property for you to choose from ranging from the budget-friendly Value resorts, to the Moderate resorts, to the Deluxe resorts, to finally the Deluxe Villas.  Each resort is themed authentically to it's name & style.  For example, if you choose the Caribbean Beach Resort... you will feel as if you are staying at a resort straight out of the islands.  It's one of the things I love so much about Disney... their attention to detail.  (I have mentioned this many times before!)  All-in-all, it's a personal preference.  If you are planning on hitting the parks running, then I would opt for a Value to Moderate resort because you really are not spending that much time in your room and why pay for something that you are using basically just for sleeping.  However, if you are planning on a more relaxed approach which incorporates more time to lounge by the pool, etc then maybe a Moderate to Deluxe resort is more up your alley.  That is not to say that you cannot relax by the pool at a Value resort, because you certainly can!  The pools are all themed as well.  The Big Blue Pool (inspired by the movie Finding Nemo) at the Art of Animation Resort is the largest pool of all the resorts AND it plays music underwater!  Totally Awesome DUDE!!

The next step in the process is adding your Park Tickets.  If you choose to book a Vacation Package, the cost of tickets are included in your package.  However, if you are not booking a Vacation Package or not staying on Disney property then the cost of tickets is separate.  There are 3 different options for purchasing tickets (ranging from the least expensive on up): the 1 Park per day ticket, the ticket with Park Hopper option, and the ticket with Park Hopper Plus option.  The Park Hopper option means you can visit more than one park in a day.  For example, you can spend the morning at Animal Kingdom on Safari and then "hop" on over to Magic Kingdom later in the afternoon to enjoy dinner and fireworks.  The Park Hopper Plus tickets add the additional option to visit Disney's 2 Water Parks, the Wide World of Sports Complex, Oak Trail Golf Course (green fees not included) and a round of golf at one of the 2 themed Miniature Golf Courses. (Certain restrictions do apply)  Which option you choose is, again, a personal preference.  Having tried them all, I have to say that it truly does depend on the type of vacation you are planning.  When it's been just Honey & I, we have gotten the Park Hopper option because that way we can be a little more flexible with our day.  If you are planning a trip during the summer months, the Park Hopper Plus option is fantastic because well, let's face it ... it's HOT and a Water Park day is a perfect way to beat the Florida heat and humidity.  For our last several trips, we have chosen the 1 Park per day tickets.  We have been traveling during busier times (aka Spring Break) and felt that due to crowds & wait times, one park a day worked perfectly for us.  It's the less expensive option and we were finding that we were not utilizing the Hopper option as much.  Saving money at Disney is always a Magical feeling!  Speaking of saving money... Disney has set up their ticket pricing so that the more days you purchase, the more money you save per day.  I look at it this way ... for example your trip is a 6 day, 7 night stay ~ unless you are not arriving until the wee hours of the night on your first day, I would purchase a 7 day Park Pass.  This gives you the option to visit a park after checking into you resort, if even only for a few hours.  The ticket price is minimal for that additional day & what better way to begin your vacation than watching the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom!  Believe me when I say that there is nothing more Magical than that!

After choosing your park tickets, you now have the option of adding a Dining Plan to your vacation.  While this is not a necessary addition, I will say that I would highly recommend adding one to your package.  Again, Disney has given you 3 different options to choose from:  the Quick-Service Dining Plan, the Disney Dining Plan, and the Disney Deluxe Dining Plan.  You can find detailed descriptions of each plan and what's all included in each plan on the My Disney Experience website (click here).  For those that don't want to spend time at a sit down restaurant (or table-service meal, as they call it) each day, but instead want more of a "fast-food style" (or quick-service meal) experience than the Quick Service Dining Plan is a great option for you.  However, if you are interested in Character Dining experiences or a meal where you sit down, take a break for the attractions, and enjoy a full meal then the Disney Dining Plan is a perfect choice,  While the first two options include 2 meals (2 quick-service or 1 quick-service & 1 table-service, respectively) per person, per night of stay ... the Disney Deluxe Dining Plan is a 3 meal a day plan (quick-service or table service).  We have only experienced the Disney Dining Plan & found it to be exactly just the right fit for our family.  There are sooooo many fun & unique table-service restaurants to choose from that we find this to be an "extra bonus", if you will, to the Magic of our trip.  The cost to adding a Dining Plan varies depending on which plan you choose, but overall we have found that in the grand scheme of things we are saving money by adding this service to our package.  A rough estimate for a family of 4 on the Disney Dining Plan (which includes 1 quick-service meal, 1 table-service meal and 2 snack options per person, per night) is under $80 a day.  Now considering the average table service meal alone is $40-$50, a quick service meal is $20-$25 and snacks range from a $3 bottle of water to a $6 Pineapple Dole Whip (we will discussing this delicious creation at a later date, I promise!), you are definitely getting a deal.  To this day I have NEVER walked away from a meal still hungry and almost ALWAYS have snack options left over at the end of out trip.  So to sum up, is the Dining Plan worth it?  YES!!  (And now I have an insane craving for a Dole Whip and a Mickey Ice Cream Bar...)  Disney has also recently added convenient Mobile ordering, where you can place your Quick Service Order via the My Disney Experience app on your phone and bypass the lines all together, which in turn gives you even more time to explore all the rides and attractions.  Grab it & Go!!!

For those of you who are flying into Orlando International Airport & booking a vacation package, you have the option of using Disney's Magical Express transportation service.  It's a complimentary bus service that will pick you up at the airport and transport you directly to your Disney resort.  The coach style buses are not only comfortable (and air conditioned for you Summer travelers), but they play an adorable "Welcome" video as you ride in style.  No need to look for a taxi or rent a vehicle, if you choose.  But that isn't even the best part!!  When you add Magical Express to your package, Disney sends you these lovely luggage tags in the mail prior to your trip with your name & resort location on them.  When you arrive at your initial airport, simply put the tags on your luggage and check them in as normal.  Upon landing in Orlando, you can them simply skip the baggage claim & head directly for the Magical Express Transportation Station located on the lower level of the terminal.  Disney Cast Members will not only pick up your luggage for you, but will deliver it directly  to your room!  After you check-in at you resort, within a short amount of time, your luggage will just "magically" appear at your door!  It is literally the best thing ever!!  Then, at the end of your vacation, there is an airline check-in station at your resort.  Here you can not only check in for your flight, but check your luggage as well!!  Disney will transport your luggage directly to your flight as you comfortably ride the Magical Express buses back to the airport.  It's easy, it's convenient and it's free!

Last but certainly not least ... the Memory Maker.  I will be the first to admit it took me several trips to try this additional option.  I take A LOT of pictures on our vacations so I didn't see the value in this additional cost.  But then I tried it.  I say this with the utmost confidence that I will NEVER take another Disney vacation again without adding the Memory Maker to our package.  While yes it is yet another additional cost (at the time of this post, it is $169 when purchased in advance), but IT IS SO WORTH IT!!  There are Disney Photopass Photographers everywhere and they take exceptional pictures, often with digital extras here and there.  There is no limit to the number of pictures that you can have them take and if your like me, it's a perfect opportunity to step out from behind the camera & actually be in the family photographs ... showing that you did indeed join the rest of your crew on this fabulous vacation!!  I plan to devote a special post to just how much I love this extra service & all it's benefits at a later date, but for now let me just show you one of my favorite PhotoPass pictures of all time!  It just goes to show that Disney can bring out different kinds of "emotions" in us all.  (For the record, the only reason I am wearing a Sadness shirt is because Joy was not available.  Because I am NEVER sad when I am at Disney!)

Phew!  I hope you are still with me after this extremely long post.  But I wanted to make sure that I gave you as much helpful information as I could to assist in the beginning stages of planning a Disney World vacation.  For me, planning is half the fun!!  I look forward to sharing other tips & tricks that I have learned over the years to make your next Disney trip as Magical as it can possibly be!

See You Real Soon!