Monday, September 3, 2018

Savannah Speaks ~ Oh What a Year It Has Been!

Hello!  My name is Savannah and I am taking over my mom's blog for the day, I hope you don't mind.  You see ... it's been exactly one year since I joined this family!!  

I may be little but I remember it like it was yesterday... here I was minding my own business at the puppy shop when I saw these interesting looking humans walk in.  They had this weird look about them and the one with the extra fur on their head was smiling at me (and if I'm being honest ... I think she was crying a little ~ not sure what that was about).  Next thing I know, I'm being taken out to meet them.  I was a little jumpy at first, but they smelled alright so I decided to let them pet me.  They were pretty nice, so I allowed them to hold me.  It felt good to be in their arms.  Really good ...  Next thing I know I am being taken out of the puppy shop and not just for my usual walk but for a RIDE!!!  I got to sit on the one with the extra fur on their head's lap & watch out the window.  It was a little scary, because I had never been this far away from the puppy shop but the human held me close & somehow I knew it was going to be alright.  And here we are a year later ~ I am loving life with my favorite humans!!

The one with the extra fur on their head, well ~ that's my mom.  We spend a lot of time together.  We go for runs together, we watch movies together, we listen to music and even sometimes, she let's me help her fold the laundry.  Obviously since I have fur, I will never understand the whole clothes thing, so I take the smaller things that way she has less to fold.  I don't really think she likes that too much because she chases after me and uses my full name, "Savannah Marie!" ~ I don't chew on it or anything so I really don't understand what the big deal is.  But my favorite thing to do with her is cuddle.  She has made me feel safe since the day we met so I love to be as close to her as I can.

She never minds it when I'm this close.  I hear them talk about this thing called "personal space".  I don't know what that is but I'm definitely sure it means they love having me as close as I can be.

My Dad, the one without the extra fur, is awesome!  He plays catch with me, lets me lick his toes and doesn't mind one bit if I wake him up when I have to go potty in the middle of the night.  He still won't share his food with me yet, but I think I might be wearing him down with my persistence.  We Shiba Inus have a way with our cuteness.  :)

Hey!  My name IS Savannah.  I guess that's a place in Georgia that grows peaches.  SO I should get a bite ~ it would only be right for me to taste my heritage....  Ummm, is that a no?  We'll talk more about that later I guess.

There are 2 other humans that live in my house.  They just love having me around!  This one is funny.  She laughs a lot!  Especially when I try to give her kisses by her ear.  She lets me borrow her stuffed animals to play with, too!  She even keeps a collection of the ones that I chewed the eyes off of.  Isn't that so sweet of her!  She loves me!

The other human is a little camera shy so I don't have a picture to show you of him, but he's awesome!  He lets me hang out in his room, takes me out to play in the backyard & gives me extra treats when I bark really loud in this face.  I spend a lot of time napping on his bed while he plays on that box thing.   I don't really know what that is either.... he should just get a ball like me to play with.  But for now, I will take the cuddle time.  Yawn ... in fact, just talking about it is making me kind of sleepy.

There is one other human in our family, but he doesn't live here.  So when he comes to visit me, I make sure to spend lots of time with him.  He's pretty great too!  :)

I am ONLY 1 year old, so when I'm not chewing on my bone, playing with my ball or squeaky toys (my donut is my favorite!!), chasing the bunnies out of the yard, running laps in the house or looking out the window to make sure everyone is safe...

I take naps... lots of naps.  Sometimes I love to curl up with my very own blanket.  I got my own because Mom doesn't know how to share hers very well.  Bonus points for me!  

I can sleep curled up in a ball, but my favorite way is to spread out as much as I can.  These humans like to take up a lot of room, so I have to make sure to get my space.  I really like to stretch out.  I'm not sure why they laugh when I nap on my back or try & close my hind legs together ... I'm comfortable, so I don't see what the problem is.  Mom says "It's not lady-like", but again ~ I don't really know what that means either... so oh well!

Well, that's all I have for now.  It's amazing how fast a year has gone!!  It seems like just yesterday that I was meeting these humans for the first time & now ... I don't know what they would do with out me.  I mean seriously... I may be small (13 pounds to be exact) but I am mighty!  But truthfully, I love them & am so glad that they brought me home that day.  I think it's safe to say their lives are better off with me in it.  :)

And with that ... I'm pretty tired.  Time for my nap.  YAWN!!  Bye y'all!

PS... I hope Mom doesn't get mad that I borrowed her computer thingy.  It's not my fault she left it open.....


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