Saturday, July 21, 2018

What's on your nightstand? ~ "Healing Your Heart: Rewrite Your Story with Awarness and Intention"

Reading.  Like a lot of you, it's one of my favorite pastimes ... especially in the summer when the daily schedule is a little more relaxed and open.  The kids and I sign up for the summer library program every year, and I live for the days when I can relax by the pool or on the deck with a good book. I love fiction, especially romance and mystery novels.  My all time favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.  But it's not often that you don't find a book by Nora Roberts or Mary Kay Andrews on my nightstand.  Non-fiction books have always been difficult for me to get into.  While reading a self help book or the true story of some one's life and experiences is interesting, I have always leaned toward the fantasy section ... until recently.

I have been a life-long watcher of the soap opera, General Hospital.  Even as far back to the days when Luke & Laura got married, it's been an addiction of mine.  I don't blame you if you have no idea who these characters are or are wondering what this has to do with my summer reading ... but if you'll just hold on, I'm getting there.  The character of Carly on General Hospital is played by the incredibly talented Laura Wright, whom I follow in Instagram (@welcometolaurasworld).  Along with posting about her life (as we all do), she is very inspirational, fitness oriented and just plain fun to follow!  About a month ago she posted about a book that she was reading that hit a cord with me.  It's called Healing Your Heart: Rewrite Your Story with Awareness and Intention by Tris Thorp.  

Here's the glimpse via Amazon: 

The past does not have to determine your present—if you choose to heal it. As human beings, we’re born with a complex mental/emotional system. Yet we’re not necessarily taught how to use that system to create the lives we desire. As a result, many of us feel stuck in the pain of the past and the uncertainty of how to move forward. Not knowing how to process our negative emotions, they fester, poisoning our current relationships and experiences. Our emotions create color and texture. What kind of life would it be if we didn’t experience love, joy, awe and excitement? Even our negative feelings are important to guide us, help us survive, even give us the added push we need to stretch beyond ourselves. Yet, when we don’t know how to handle what’s going on in our lives, our emotions can sabotage our efforts, destroy our relationships and drive us to make poor choices. “I’ve experienced first hand what it’s like to be plagued by past wounds. My personal journey to healing has not always been easy. But because of the healing work I’m sharing with you in this book, today I experience the peace, love, happiness and success I once thought was impossible for me.” —Tris Thorp In Healing Your Heart, Tris Thorp uses her personal experience and expertise as well as step-by-step exercises to show you: • How to make peace with the past and turn painful experiences into empowering ones • How to deal with difficult emotions in the present and express yourself authentically • How to relate to yourself and others with compassion and acceptance • How to create new life strategies that support your growth and unlock your potential • How to allow more joy, love, expansion and happiness into your life “In the pages of this book I’ll guide you on the path I took to heal myself, to heal my relationships with the people I love and to ultimately step into the person I am today. It’s my hope that this book encourages you to find the clarity, the compassion, the strength and the fortitude within yourself to go the distance on your own path—and to truly heal your heart.” 

I'm not going to lie, I was a little skeptical at first.  Not only was it a non-fiction book, but a self-help one at that.  Two things that I have always found difficult to read without struggling...  but something told me that this time would be different and boy was I right!  This book covers everything from digging deep to find the root of your emotions and how you react to them to ultimately teaching you techniques to let go of the negativity and forgive not only others but most importantly yourself.   

As I said, I've always found self-help books to be a difficult read.  They don't transport my mind to a fantasy world of lost loves, unsolved mysteries or mythical places...  but not Healing Your Heart.  It had me from the very beginning journaling to find my better self and healing wounds I didn't even know still existed.  I finished it with a new found look on how I deal with my emotions, and even more importantly ~ how I've allowed them to affect my life.  

I highly recommend this book to anyone!  Whether your struggling with something at the moment or just looking for a more positive way to journey through this crazy thing we call life ... 

As we continue through the remaining month of summer vacation, I have already begun reading my next book series.  However, I would love to hear any suggestions that you have.  Sometimes a recommendation from someone may be just the thing you need to lead you down a new path, whether in life or simply in stories.  :)  

Happy Reading!


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