Sunday, July 31, 2016

Maks & Val - Our Way LIVE

48 hours later and I still can't stop smiling!  Nothing in my wildest dreams, when Honey gave me these tickets for Mother's Day, could have prepared me for the experience we had Friday night.  Having watched Dancing with the Stars religiously since Season 1, I knew that we were in for a treat.  But I'll be frank right off the bat, I LOVE MAKS!  He has always been my favorite pro dancer on the show.  So when he, and his brother Val, announced that they were touring together this summer ~ I could hardly contain my excitement!  (I'm not going to lie, I probably squealed or maybe even screamed right there in my living room.  Have I mentioned that I love Maks??)  If you've ever watched the show or seen these men dance, you know that they are nothing short of AMAZING!  Put them together and you have a whole new ballgame (or ballroom, so to speak).  Obviously, I'm not the only one who feels this way because the show was Sold Out!

Honey & I have been to a few of the Dancing with the Stars Live shows in the past, but I knew from reading reviews that this show was completely different.  That was proven true the minute the lights dimmed and the music started.  Wow doesn't begin to describe it!

I apologize in advance for the picture quality.  It could be the lighting in the theater, the fact that I used my phone instead of my "good camera", or that I might have been a little excited... take your pick.  But nevertheless, there they are ...  Maks & Val!

The concept behind the show was the story of their lives, from the very beginning, through dance.  The choreography, music & costume design captured each stage in their lives beautifully.  Honey & I, literally, couldn't take our eyes off the stage!  A few things we learned: Maks started dancing at the age of 4, their family immigrated to the United States (New York to be exact) from Ukraine in 1994, they opened their 1st dance studio in New Jersey 2 years later (Maks was the lead instructor at the age of 16), Val was the first American to win the World Junior Championships, Maks missed his prom due to studio commitments, and Val is a classically trained violinist who has played at Carnegie Hall. 

We already knew they were hard working and dedicated to their craft, but the one thing that shown through the brightest throughout the entire show was their love/respect for each other and how deeply their family means to them.  They are both extremely humble gentlemen & thanked the audience on several occasions for spending "Your Time with Us". Each did a separate dance that depicted what they view love to be.  Despite my loyalty to Maks, Val's dance was one of my favorites of the evening!  It literally gave me goosebumps. Honey & I LOVED every minute of it!

They ended with a showstopping finale to Justin Timberlake's song Can't Stop The Feeling, which has been happily stuck in our heads ever since.  It was an evening that I will never forget and something that I can now check off my 40 x 42 list.  :)

Obviously, still smiling!  Have a great day everyone!


Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Scattering of Seashells...

I hope you are all enjoying your summer!  I know I say this every year, but it always seems to go by so fast.  I'm sure that you've noticed the school supplies are up on the I the only one that inwardly groans when I see that display being put up in stores.  That means our lazy days of summer are coming to an end....sigh...I guess we will just have to make the best of what time we have left.  There's still a lot not checked off on our Summer To Do List!!  We need to get moving!!!  Oh well, here's a "scattering" of what we've been up to so far.

We were finally able to celebrate L's birthday with his friends.  That's always been a draw back with having a summer birthday, once school's out, it's very difficult to plan a get together with his friends.  But this year, I was organized enough to send out the invitations on the last day of school & at his request, we went bowling!

Now, you all know how much I love a good theme!  However, decorating a bowling alley was not without it's challenges.  So I went with simple, yet festive.  Each guest took home a pair of sunglasses (because bowling is cool!), a personalized tumbler (to be used for drinks while they were playing) and a pair of socks (just in case they forgot to bring their own.  It is flip-flop weather after all).

At the birthday boy's request, there was no cake.  He wanted bowling pin shaped cookies instead.  Much to my dismay, I could not find a bowling pin cookie cutter in I ended up using a clip art image and cutting out the shape by hand.  (Talk about my OCD kicking in!)  They turned out pretty cute, considering...

We also had mini "Bowling Ball" cakes (aka Ding Dongs).

Bowling Ball cake pops...

And white chocolate dipped pretzel sticks and Twizzlers, because you can never give teenagers enough sugar.  We set up 2 dessert stations, so that the kids could snack at their leisure.

A great time was had by all!  They even educated us adults on the new "thing"  ... "Doin' the Dab" or the "Bowling Dab" as the coined it.  

When it was all said and done, we had one very happy Birthday Boy!  :)

The 4th of July has come and gone, but we still celebrated our Nation's Birthday with the annual 4th of July Parade, fun with friends and of course... fireworks!

Honey found these amazing 3D glasses made specifically for fireworks.  They were fabulous!!  The kids (and adults) loved them!

Here's the view when you put the glasses in front of your camera lens... genius idea by my good friend H!  Talk about the WOW factor!

After 2 summers of trying, Miss B finally passed the swimming test at the pool.  She worked hard and practiced relentlessly to make it across the length and back without touching the bottom.  All it took was for her to realize that if you actually put your head in the water, you can go farther and glide.  She was SOOO excited!!

Honey has discovered his crafty side.  I have become quite obsessed with all things monogrammed lately, as shown by my tank worn on the 4th of July.  He designed this amazing hat for me to further fuel my obsession.  LOVE IT!!!!

We are about half way through the first book in the Harry Potter series.  I just love cuddling up as a family at night & reading.  It's the perfect way to end what is usually an extremely busy day... quietly, calmly and most importantly ~ together.

Last but certainly not least, we have begun training to complete one of my goals on my 40 x 42 list ... complete a Disney inspired marathon.  While it will most likely be just Honey & I running the race, the kids have joined in on the fun.  The family that runs together, stays together!

So there's a little "scattering" into what we have been up to this summer so far.  Looking forward to enjoying this last month with lots more memories being made!  Here's to sunshine, sandy toes and maybe a few seashells along the way.  :)