Monday, May 30, 2016

A Teenager!

This year has been a year for milestone birthdays that is for sure!  Today, we celebrate L turning the BIG 13!!  A teenager, I can hardly believe it.  It seems like just yesterday, we were anxiously waiting to welcome this beautiful 10 pound 2 oz baby boy into our family!  He has brought us such joy throughout the years with his immeasurable energy, contagious laughter and gentle heart.  He has such a kind and endearing soul.  He loves to play soccer, Minecraft, and of course sing.  :)  He truly has the voice of an angel.  (No bias here at all)  I treasure the fact that he still enjoys spending time with the family or even just a little one-on-one time with Mom.  Whenever you ask him, "What was your favorite part about ______?" his response is always first and foremost "Getting to spend time with my family."  I love this kid more than words can say and am so incredibly blessed to be the one he calls Mom.   I can't wait to see what the years will bring for him as he enters into this new chapter in his life. Happy Birthday my sweet boy!  "Love you more."  "Love you most."  

Only 2 and a half more of school!  I can hardly wait!!!


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