Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lucky Number 13

Yesterday we celebrated L's first day in the life of a teenager.  And what a fun-filled, family day it was!!  Honey & I stayed up late the night before setting up and decorating.  I love having the kids open their eyes on the morning of their birthday to something special signifying the importance of the day to come.  We have done everything from covering the floors of their bedrooms with balloons to streamers criss-crossed across their doors making it a "Mission Impossible-style" operation just to get out of their room.  This year, we not only chose to decorate L's door, but continued the "wave" of festiveness all the way down the hallway as well.  He loved it!!

I know banners are by no means new to the art of party decorating, but I have just recently decided that no matter what the occasion ~ the decorating process is certainly not complete without a banner of some type.  I picked up this reversible striped set at Target and used my Cricut to add the yellow lettering.

The table was set with 13 numbered gifts ranging from his favorite kind of sparkling water, gift cards to the video store and his favorite near-by ice cream place to a few larger items befitting a boy of teenage status.

Like cologne.... any parent of a teenage boy knows second to deodorant, which they have most likely been wearing for years now, cologne is an essential step in the world of personal hygiene.   No further explanation necessary because if you are a parent of a boy ages 10+, you know EXACTLY what I am talking about.  :)

For Christmas L received a rock crystal making kit which was a huge hit, so he was beyond excited to get another one to expand his collection.  Summer Science at its best!

Like a lot of parents, Honey & I are constantly looking for ways to get our kids to be more active.  Unfortunately, it's often a struggle with L.  While I suggested a FitBit, as C & I absolutely love ours, Honey thought a compromise for L might be a better choice.  As I am electronically challenged for the most part, Honey did extensive research and settled on the ASUS ZenWatch 2 Android.  While it not only keeps track of his activity (step count, workouts, etc.), it also syncs to his phone so that he has access to some of the apps that he enjoys playing.  It satisfied both parent and teenager "requirements".  After years of begging him to put down the tablet/ phone & go out and play, only to be met with resistance, I couldn't be happier to hear the phrase "Hey Mom, I've already hit 4000 steps!" This monumental phrase was also accompanied by the biggest smile on his face as he passed me by on his way outside to continue to strive to reach his daily activity goal.  LOVE IT!!!!

He even had an extra special gift handmade with love from Miss B.  Be still my heart . . .

Because when presents are on the table, breakfast must come second.  :)  I believe Honey has mastered the art of creating numbers out of donuts and thus started another D Family Birthday Breakfast Tradition.

After breakfast, we took to the outdoors to enjoy the gorgeous weather.  We chatted and played board games til our hearts content.

Then the boys decided that they were in the mood for a little water fun.  What started as playful games of water balloon toss, etc...

Turned into an all out Water War of epic proportions!!  

I sat blissfully safe & dry from my lawn chair on the deck.  That's the beauty of wanting to capture all moments of family fun and entertainment on film, you are safe from any impending squirt gun blasts or shots from the garden hose.  "Don't you dare get my camera wet!" Sneaky but effective, I know. (insert evil giggle)   :)

Dinner was the Birthday Boy's favorite, Subway.  Then after a little downtime of watching a movie together, it was time for cake.  Now for Honey's recent birthday, I created a cake version of his favorite ice cream flavor, Chocolate Fudge Brownie with OREO.  L requested the same, except with TWIX and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.  Once completed, it was a chocolate lovers dream come true.  I'll say this for my boys, the more chocolate the better!

As the day, and wonderfully long weekend, came to a close ~ L came and gave Honey & I the biggest hugs.  "Thanks Mom & Dad for making this the best birthday ever."  Melt my heart ... I love that kid!!  

Monday, May 30, 2016

A Teenager!

This year has been a year for milestone birthdays that is for sure!  Today, we celebrate L turning the BIG 13!!  A teenager, I can hardly believe it.  It seems like just yesterday, we were anxiously waiting to welcome this beautiful 10 pound 2 oz baby boy into our family!  He has brought us such joy throughout the years with his immeasurable energy, contagious laughter and gentle heart.  He has such a kind and endearing soul.  He loves to play soccer, Minecraft, and of course sing.  :)  He truly has the voice of an angel.  (No bias here at all)  I treasure the fact that he still enjoys spending time with the family or even just a little one-on-one time with Mom.  Whenever you ask him, "What was your favorite part about ______?" his response is always first and foremost "Getting to spend time with my family."  I love this kid more than words can say and am so incredibly blessed to be the one he calls Mom.   I can't wait to see what the years will bring for him as he enters into this new chapter in his life. Happy Birthday my sweet boy!  "Love you more."  "Love you most."  

Only 2 and a half more of school!  I can hardly wait!!!