Monday, January 19, 2015

Top Secret Christmas Surprise!

Hello again!  Long time no blog.  :)  I can hardly believe that it's January!  A lot has happened since I last wrote.  Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas...of course.  But add to that countless volunteer projects at B's school (which I loved!), tons of holiday fun family activities and planning a Top Secret Christmas Surprise for our kids.  It's been a busy last couple of months to be sure.

What was that Top Secret Christmas Surprise, you may ask?!  Well...WE WENT TO DISNEY WORLD!  Honey & I had been planning this trip since last February with the intent of surprising the kids on Christmas morning.  Too say this was the most difficult secret EVER to keep is an understatement.  I am a planner by nature, so I had to be extra careful to make sure that nothing I was working on was left out for "little eyes" to see.  I even went so far to start packing suitcases in the garage!  

Now, I know many of you have seen YouTube videos or Facebook posts of parents revealing a surprise trip to Disney to their kids.  There were tons of great ideas, but Honey & I decided that we were going to go our own route.  On a random trip to Walgreens, I found pillows in the shape of Mickey heads & the idea hit!  See this trip, we were driving down.  (That's 18+ hours in the van, just in case you were wondering.)  So the pillows were perfect for traveling. I continued to wander the isles, looking for more inspiration and found the perfect gift bags. 3 Mickey Heads = 3 Kids = YIPPEE!  Add to that each of their MagicBands and a note stating "7 Days" and we were set.

Nothing left to do but wait...

Now I would love to show you pictures of my kids as they opened the gift, but unfortunately those pictures were somehow corrupted on my memory card.  :(  But I can describe the scene for you.  Picture blank stares, open mouths, and not a sound to be heard...period. That's how they all looked at us.  When finally I couldn't take it anymore, I said, "We are going to Disney World in 7 days.  Do you understand what is happening??"  They looked at each other and finally C spoke.  "Are you serious?  We are really going?" Honey & I nodded. Then came 3 of the BIGGEST SMILES I have ever seen, followed by huge hugs and "thank you, thank you, thank you!  (Finally! Apparently, we had shocked them into silence.)  

This was not our first trip to Disney World, but we did get to experience lots of fun NEW things as well as do our tried & true favorites.  I look forward to sharing our adventures with you as well as some tips & tricks that we have learned over the years...just in case you may be planning your own trip to the "Most Magical Place on Earth!"  See ya real soon!

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