Monday, September 15, 2014

D is for Door

I am so excited to show you my new front door decor, made with love by my amazing Mom. I was lacking an "in between holiday" decoration and she was gracious enough to help me fill the void.  After a trip to Hobby Lobby, for an entirely different project mind you, we came home with all the supplies needed to create this amazing "little" gem.  (I say little, because it's actually quite heavy!)

It's just fantastic!  We didn't have time to work on it together so being the wonderful Mom that she is, took all the pieces home, along with our vision & created this masterpiece.  :) Thank you Mom!!  I was also beyond thrilled to find this purple mum on a recent trip to Lowes.  It will go perfectly with my Halloween decor!  Now all I have to do is keep it alive until October, which for me is easier said than done.

Now I am off to watch the Season Premier of Dancing with the Stars!!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE that show!  

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