Monday, October 1, 2018

L's Passion for Music & the Phantom of the Opera

If I were to use one quote to describe L right now, it's this ~ "Music is not what I do, It's who I am."  ~ Unknown

If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen that the better part of our lives since before school started have been spent watching this young man play in band.  He started the tuba in 5th grade and has never looked back.  It was then in Middle School that he also discovered his love of singing and hence began his chorus and show choir career.  To say that music is his passion, would be putting it mildly ~ the smile on his face as he performs speaks volumes.  :)

Sophomore year is the first year that students here actually compete in Marching Band... learning the music as well as the constantly changing formations to create a visual masterpiece.  Having played the clarinet myself, I understand this is no easy task.  But I also remember how much fun I had while doing it.  L has not only embraced this with hard work and enthusiasm but has made some AMAZING friends in the process.  We couldn't be more proud!

Competition season is in full swing, so there have been some long days and late nights... and each week they improve more & more!!  We are lucky to be able to tag along to these events and help set up the props and equipment used to create their "Phantom of the Opera" inspired show.  In fact, we are actually one of the drivers that pull the trailer carrying the uniforms, percussion instruments and of course, the tubas.  (No pressure there ~ and ... I'd be remiss if I didn't admit that Honey actually drives, I just ride along.  Gotta give credit where credit is due!  There is no way I could drive pulling that trailer!!  Yikes!!  But he's a master at it.)

Miss B has even become part of the crew as well.  Helping behind the scenes by carrying props or standing behind/ holding these 12 foot screens that create a gorgeous backdrop showcasing pictures from the beloved musical.  Having just started learning the clarinet herself, she is truly enjoying getting a sneak peek of what's to come as well as supporting her brother.  

Have to be quiet during the performance... shhh!

There are 3 tubas in our Marching Band: One sophomore, one junior and one senior.  They are a great group and work so well together!  They may be small in size but mighty in sound!

I love the little dance that they do during the drum cadence.  I wish I had video!!!  They twist, they twirl, they jump, they kick and even do push-ups using the tubas.  It's AWESOME!!

Once we arrive at the competition site, the kids must get dressed, get their instruments ready and be on the practice field to warm up in a short amount of time.  This past weekend, as we unloaded L's tuba we noticed the name on the case.  :)  Apparently, his tuba was previously used by a Professional Wrestler.  LOL!

He's very serious while getting prepared.... which translated to "Don't take my picture now, Mom."  

So I had to get sneaky & use my zoom lens as to not get caught.  Haha!!

The show consists of the songs Phantom of the Opera, Masquerade, and Music of the Night.  It also includes some pretty cool special effects and ends with a gigantic flag of the Phantom Mask that flies over and completely encompasses the band.  (Ask L about how easy it is to kneel down to the ground while still wrapped up in his tuba!)

Like I said at the beginning of this post, this young man was born for music.  Whether it's band or choir, he is definitely in his happy place.  It's a part of who he is & we couldn't be more proud.  Honey and I cannot wait to see where this path takes him.  But for now, he will continue to be our favorite Phantom Tuba player! (with some super cool dance moves!)  :)