Friday, August 24, 2018

First Day of School ~ 2018

It's hard to believe our summer has already come and gone.  We had a great one, filled with so many memories that I'd be lying if I didn't say that yesterday was hard on all of us.  (Alarm clocks again, really !?!)  But on to a new school year with lots of exciting things happening!   

A Sophomore!?!  Can I say it again?  A sophomore!  L is entering his second year in high school.  Some people say that it gets easier with each child, but not for me.  It still seems like yesterday was his first day of Kindergarten.  Never mind that he has now officially surpassed me in height, but he's also embracing that baritone voice that makes me have to finally admit that my baby is growing up.  He's looking forward to a great year filled with Marching Band, Choir, Show Choir, ACT testing and so much more.  (The color coded calendar is definitely in effect already!)  I can't wait to see what all that he accomplishes this year!  This guy never ceases to amaze me.

The obligatory 1st Day of School pictures are always his favorite .... NOT!  This is the "Hurry up and get these done, Mom" look.

Are we done yet?  Cause, I'm not even really looking at the camera anymore.....

Can you see the resemblance?  Hmmm .... maybe just a little bit.  :)

Last one L.  Just because I love you.  :)

Miss B started 5th grade this year... her VERY LAST year in elementary school!  Which also means it's our last year there as well.  When she walks out those doors next June, it will mark almost 20 years that we have called it a second home for our kids.  I don't know who is going to have a harder time with it ~ her or me?!?   She has yet another amazing teacher this year so we are looking forward to going out with a bang.  :)  (Excuse me as I wipe away a few tears...)

She too has grown up over the summer... just a little bit.  :)

Have I also mentioned that she has discovered fashion over the summer... (Thank you YouTube...)  Daddy's in trouble now.  :)

I don't think he minds too much ... yet.  She's still his little Princess.  

Love Love Love this one...

Me and my girl ...

Love you to the Moon and Back!

I hope all of you that have started school already are off to a great start as well!  It's going to be a great year!!