Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Few Words from My Heart...

Marilyn Monroe, Robin Williams, Kate Spade and now Anthony Bourdain  ...  these are just a few of the many celebrities who have taken their own lives.  That doesn't even begin to touch the number of non-famous people who have committed suicide and correct me if I'm wrong, but the number seems to be growing.  There were 3 during my son's junior year of college, and another at my son's high school this past year.  The common theme always seems to be that they always seemed so happy and content with their lives... they were always smiling... they were so talented, smart and successful...   But not everyone sees what goes on behind closed doors, let alone what is going on inside someone's head.  I've shared my story of living with mental illness and often the difficulties of day to day life.  It's exhausting, frustrating and overwhelming.  I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I've thought about taking my own life.  There are those really bad days when the mind takes over all rationale and you believe that you are a burden to the people around you, they'd be better off without having to deal with your issues, and life would be so much easier for them if you weren't around.  But then you receive a random phone call from your eldest son just to say Hi & that he loves you, or a hug from your teenager after school just because they thought you might have needed one, or the most amazing letter from your daughter about all the things she loves about her mom, and not to mention that look of unconditional love in your husband's eyes when he walks in the door after a long day at work to see you struggling and says, "What can I do to help?"  It's these things that keep me going, keep me fighting, keep me LIVING.  I've said before that the brain is a very powerful thing and it loves to play tricks.  But no matter what your situation may be ... anxiety, panic, depression, bipolar, PTSD, schizophrenia, or any other number of mental illnesses ~ THERE IS ALWAYS HELP.  THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY OUT.  THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE WILLING TO LISTEN ...  but here's the key ( and often the hardest step to take) YOU HAVE TO ASK.  ASK FOR HELP!  I promise you that you are not alone.  As mental illness is being talked about more in the media than ever, it is my hope that people are starting to see that the stigma that has surrounded it for so many years is beginning to fade.  We can laugh.  We can love.  We can be happy.  WE CAN LIVE.  So if you are struggling right now, and can't seem to see a way out ... take that first step and ask for help.  It may be the most difficult step of your life, but believe me ~ YOU ARE WORTH IT!  The world is such a better place with you in it.  You mean so much to all the people that care about you.  Is it going to be an easy road?  Of course not.  But nothing ever worth fighting for is.  And right now YOU ARE FIGHTING FOR YOU... 

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

All my love,