Friday, December 1, 2017

Elf On The Shelf 2017 ~ Welcome Back JJ!

Happy December 1st everyone!  It's hard to believe that it's almost Christmas!  This morning L & B woke to the return of our friendly Elf on the Shelf, JJ (that's short for Jingle Jangle, in case you were wondering).  He came to us this year with a Special Welcome Back Breakfast, that had the kids giddy with delight!

He even brought back his special furry friend, Zoey!  Miss B has literally been counting the days until she returned.  You see, unlike JJ, Zoey can be held, cuddled and loved ~ this increases her Christmas Magic.  Miss B claims responsibility for making sure she is well cared for all month long.  Believe me, Zoey is in the best hands!

As soon as her eyes opened this morning and she remembered what day it was was literally a straight shot out of bed to find her beloved Zoey.  (hence the lovely bed head!)

Breakfast consisted of (almost) all things "elf sized" ... mini muffins, mini donuts, grapes and applesauce.  Oh and don't forget the hot cocoa!  No self respecting elf would drink anything else.

And last but certainly not least, JJ lined the ceiling above the table with streamers and balloons ...  all in his favorite colors of course ...

It was quite a sight to wake up too!  :)  A perfect way to start off a month of fun filled holiday celebrations and festivities!  Thanks JJ & Welcome Back!  (wink wink)

Happy Holidays Everyone!