Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Meet Savannah Marie

Hello again!  I hope you all had a wonderful summer filled with activities, adventures, family fun, vacations and of course, lasting memories.  Now that the kids are officially back to school, I could think of no better way to return to blogging than to introduce you to the newest member of our family, Savannah Marie.

She's a 3 month old Shiba Inu.  As it turns out, we actually were not looking for a new puppy at the moment.  But over the weekend, while doing some sorting, I came across the papers from our first "furry child", Evee.  Yes, she was named after the Pokemon because she looked exactly like one.  :)  She was an amazing dog and a wonderful companion for 14 years.  It's been 2 years since she passed and while reading through her information, I felt this sudden urge to want to hold a puppy again. Just hold, mind you....  So Honey & I set out (without saying anything to the kids, because we didn't want them to think we were getting a new dog) to a local pet store to see what they had for me to get my "fix" so to speak.  While the puppies they had there were adorable and fun, we didn't feel any real connection or bond.  Again, still not planning on bringing anyone home.  I convince Honey to go to one more place before we headed home (really had to twist his arm LOL!).  As soon as we walked through the door, we saw her.  I grabbed Honey's arm, more like clawed (oops!), and we both knew.  There was absolutely no way we were here to just hold her, we were meant to bring her home.  And that my friends, is exactly what we did.  Talk about spontaneous and spur of the moment!  But totally worth it!!

Keep in mind that the kids still had absolutely no idea that we were doing this, heck we didn't even know!  So you can imagine the reactions when we walked in the door carrying this tiny little 3 pound ball of fur.  Miss B cried and L screamed.  WE GOT A NEW PUPPY!!!! I seriously think he called all his friends right then and there.  LOL!

Savannah loves to jump and play.  She's your typical puppy, chewing on EVERYTHING!  So the last 2 days have been spent "Puppy Proofing" the house.  She's stealthy, sneaky and huge into exploring ~ especially where she's not supposed to.  She absolutely loves her chew toy and bone.

But most of all, she loves to cuddle.  Even as we speak, she is curled up next to me with her head resting on my thigh.  I think she loves her new family, just as we have quickly fallen in love with her.

Now, as you may have guessed Savannah is named after the beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia.  And no self-respecting Southern Belle should be caught without a larger than life bow.  It was too cute to pass up!!!

Having a puppy again has definitely been an adjustment.  I was just telling a friend of mine yesterday that I think I blocked out the puppy phase aka "potty training" ~ kind of like we do when it comes to child-birth.  When it's all said and done, it's not so bad. But then when it comes time to do it again we think, "Oh yeah, I remember this part!  Yikes!"  But we'll get the hang of it...sooner or later.  I'm not going to lie though, I was A LOT younger last time around!  :)  But it's totally worth it for all those little puppy kisses.  (yep, I'm a sucker...but how can you not be when you look at a face like that!?!)

So for now, you will most likely find us outside desperately trying to get her to go potty, taking walks, playing catch and generally loving her to pieces ~ even as she keeps us up at night... oh yeah, forgot about that part as well.  :(  Nevertheless, we couldn't be happier that we decided to just go out to "hold a puppy" this weekend or we never would have gotten to meet her.  Welcome to the family Savannah Marie!  We are so glad you chose us!!  :)

Love, N