Monday, October 24, 2016

A "Ghosting" We Will Go

"When the crypt doors creak
And the tombstones quake
Spooks come out for a singing wake
Happy haunts materialize
And begin to vocalize
Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize."
Those famous lyrics from the graveyard room at the Haunted Mansion seemed more than appropriate to start off this "ghostly" post.  Not long ago there was a knock at the door only for us to open it and find no one standing on the other side.  Now, you may be thinking (like us) "You were Ding-Dong-Ditched".  But upon further inspection, we found the cutest little bag of Halloween treats and goodies had been left outside our door with a note stating "YOU'VE BEEN GHOSTED!"  

The note stated that now it's our turn to "ghost" 2 other people.  So we set out to create our goody bags filled with spectacularly spooky treats.  (insert evil laugh here...)

I had the bags in my Halloween stash just waiting for the perfect occasion.  We filled them with candy, glow sticks, candy, pencils, candy, light-up cups, candy, frightfully festive socks and maybe a little more candy.  (It is Halloween after all.)


Then we all loaded into our "Doom Buggy" (sorry I couldn't resist another Haunted Mansion reference...)  to deliver our Ghostly Goodies.  

I can honestly say I have not laughed that hard in a long time!  Honey, having had prior experience in his younger years at being stealthy and sneaky, helped Miss B deliver the bags. ** Side Note:  He would now like to publicly apologize to any of his childhood neighbors or friends that he MAY have TP-ed as a kid.  It was wrong and he is deeply sorry for any mess he may have caused.  :) **  The idea is to QUIETLY place the bag, ring the doorbell and run! Now the words quiet and 8 year-old girl are not normally spoken in the same sentence...and for good reason.  They were almost caught both times!!  L and I stayed in the van, watched and laughed til our sides hurt as they hide behind trees and cars trying to make their way back without being seen.  But all in all it was a successful "Ghosting" adventure!  Thank you to the wonderful family who "ghosted" us.  We decided to make it a new family Halloween tradition.   :)

"...Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize."