Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Scattering of Seashells...

It's been awhile, so I thought the best way to give you a glimpse into the what's been happening with the D Family would be best told through my second installment, so to speak, of "A Scattering of Seashells".  You may remember this past summer, I introduced this post title as a way of sharing random thoughts and experiences that don't fit neatly into their own specific blog post.  So here we go . . .

Several major events have occurred over the last few months, but I would be remiss if I didn't share that I have since turned the "BIG 40"!  Yes, I have graduated on from my glorious 30's and began what looks to be the fabulous 40's.  Honey asked if I wanted a grand party to celebrate, but I requested a small gathering of close friends & family.  It was a fun & laughter filled evening with some of the people that mean the most to me.  A perfect way to start a new chapter in my life.  Now, of course, no "Monumental" birthday can go without a little "razzing", so to speak.  So I have to thank my beloved son C for the "amazing" (ha ha) movie poster commemorating what my life will supposedly be like from now on.  

Honey was a little too pleased with this!

Not to worry my dear, your time is coming!  :)

He did redeem himself by creating the most fitting cake a Beach Lovin' girl could ask for.  Loved it!!

L has been in full on music mode!  Between band and choir, we have been to several concerts over the last couple of weeks.  He absolutely loves to sing!  Music seems to be his passion and you will get no complaints out of us!  Soon he will be starting Spring Soccer again.  I can't wait to see him back on the field!  And yes, Honey will once again be his coach.  :)

We are doing a full remodel of our basement, as we speak.  A side from the fact that I have a mattress and box springs in my dining room & half of our garage has been turned into a storage facility, we are extremely excited to finally have this area finished after 16 years of living here.  Our contractors have done an amazing job & I can't wait to show you the finished project.  I feel a Coastal Vibe coming on.  :)

Miss B is in Competitive Dance again this year and loving every minute of it!  I, however, am learning A LOT!  Between fake eyelashes, glitter lipstick, high ponytails, high buns, and quick changes ~ it definitely keeps us hopping.  But we wouldn't have it any other way!  I do have to give a shout out to our lifesaver during this entire experience, the Dream Duffel!  Without it, we would be a hot mess and totally unorganized.  (I promise to share more on this later, because if you have a dancer/skater or the like ~ it's amazing!)

This year she's performing Tap ...


And of course her favorite, Hip Hop!

She's truly having a blast and the girls have improved so much over the course of the year.  We are very proud of them and all of our Dance Studio friends.  It's a phenomenal studio and we couldn't be more blessed to be a part of their "family".

Last but certainly not least, we received a surprise visit this weekend from C!  It's always great to see him & have him home, but with the craziness of life right now ~ I couldn't have been more taken aback to have him walk through the door and say "Surprise!"  (Yes, some Mom tears were shed.)  I love him more than words can say.

So there's a glimpse into the "Seashells" of our life right now.  Now off to watch the return of Once Upon a Time!!  I can hardly wait!!!!