Monday, January 11, 2016

Turning 8 is Great!

So much has happened since I last wrote...I can hardly believe that the month of December is already over.  I hope you all had an amazing Holiday Season.  Ours was filled to the brim with family fun, holiday traditions, school activities, and much more.  I would be remiss if I didn't share a little about the day our beautiful Miss B turned the BIG 8!

The day started out with a breakfast of champions, donuts designed especially for the Birthday Girl. !8!  

Followed by a few gifts . . .

I think she may have figured out what was in this box before she even opened it.  :)

American Girl of the Year ~ Grace.  Needless to say, I think she liked her. LOL! 

Miss B & Grace were inseparable from that moment on.  I will admit that she is one of my favorite dolls to date.  Not only is she French, and a chef but has the most amazing fashion sense!  :)  I am anxiously awaiting for my invitation to a tea party with these 2 lovely girls.

Miss B's school hosted it's annual Winter Wonderland crafting event that day as well, so we headed off so she could make gifts for our family, as well as write her special letter to Santa. Number One on her list was a Foot mother like daughter.  :)

No Holiday event would be complete without yummy treats ...

And a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus themselves!

We finished off Miss B's special day with dinner with our friends, the S Family, at her favorite restaurant, Pizza Ranch.  Umm, what can I say... she loves their chicken legs.  

I can not express how unbelievably proud I am to be this little lady's mom.  She is a never-ending ball of energy.  Her kindness, thoughtfulness & joy for life are infectious.  Her smile alone brightens our day.

Happy Birthday Miss B!  I love you to the moon and back!