Tuesday, December 1, 2015

25 Days of Holiday Books

Happy Holidays!  This is my most favorite time of year!  The decorations, the music, the yummy goodies and of course, the family traditions.  A couple of years ago, we started a new one that has quickly become a family favorite.  I don't know about you but we have sooo many holiday books!  No matter how determined we were to read them all, there never seemed to be enough time.  

A couple of years ago, I was going through my wrapping paper of years past & decided that it might be kind of fun to wrap the books that we enjoyed reading the most.  I mean, what's a few more things the wrap this time of year, right?!  Plus, what a great way to use up some of that old wrapping paper!!!  So we picked out our 25 favorite stories & then I wrapped them just like any other present.  I then added a numbered tag to each wrapped book.  I started out printing festive looking numbers from my computer, but this year I found these perfect Advent gift tags at Michael's that I can use over & over again.  Bonus!!

The kids look forward to sitting down together as a family each night before bed and unwrapping the book of the day.  We take turns reading, as Miss B has become quite the reader as well.  :)  During a month where everything seems to be so hectic and crazy, we enjoy this little peace of calm each night snuggled together with our favorite holiday books. Mine is The Polar Express!  I could read that book a hundred times over and never get tired of it. 

Well, better open Day 1 . . . I wonder which story it will be?!?