Tuesday, May 5, 2020

10 Ways to Stay Motivated Throughout the Day

Motivation and I have a interesting relationship.  Being motivated is a good thing, however staying motivated can be harder than it looks.  Throughout my journey with mental health, I have found a few ways that I use to keep moving & working towards my goals.  I thought I would share just in case you may sometimes feel the same.  It's a constant process, but little by little & day by day ~ we can get there!

10 Ways to Stay Motivated:

1.  Focus on 1 Thing at a Time ~ Often my mind tends to feel overwhelmed when I have too many things going on or tasks to complete.  I start to feel frustrated & defeated which makes me want to stop all together.  So I have learned that if I just work on one thing at a time, I am more likely to finish & feel that sense of accomplishment that carries over into the next project.

2.  Celebrate Even the Small Things ~ If you are struggling to stay motivated, start small.  For me, simple things like laundry & dishes can sometimes feel daunting.  On those days when I may be struggling a bit, I remind myself that it's OK & do the best that I can.  A single load of laundry is an accomplishment.  Here's why ... because I did it!  I motivated myself to get up, sort the clothes, start the washer, transfer the wash to the dryer, fold the clean clothes & then put them away.  That is actually 5 things in 1, if you think about it.  It may be a small task, but it got done!!

3.  Keep Your To Do Lists Small ~ I used to make these crazy long To Do Lists.  I was at a different time in my life then, now I look at those lists & feel anxiety that I'm never going to accomplish all of it.  So in all honesty, I would give up before I even started.  My mind couldn't process everything at once without feeling stressed.  So I started making smaller lists (much, much smaller).  This requires prioritizing but smaller is more manageable in your mind.  It's also very satisfying at the end of the day to look at your list & see that you crossed off everything as opposed to all the things that you were not able to get to.  You go to sleep feeling accomplished and not defeated, thus leading to a better chance of feeling more motivated the next day.

4.  Meditation ~ The mind is a powerful machine.  Taking 10 minutes each day to close your eyes & calm your thoughts can make a world of difference in your motivation.  Meditation is a soothing practice that helps your focus & keeps you working towards your goals.  I have been using the Calm app for years now, and it has made a huge difference in my life.

5.  Take Breaks ~  It's important if you are struggling with motivation to give yourself a break now & then.  When we are tired, it's much easier to quit or give up.  So give yourself permission to take a break (if even just for a little bit) to sit down, watch an episode of a show you are bingeing, read a magazine or chapter in a book or take a walk around the block.  Your project will still be there & 9 times out of 10, you will feel more motivated to keep working on it if you aren't exhausted or overwhelmed.

6.  Fix Your Bed ~ I'm sure you've heard this one before.  Fixing your bed makes it harder to crawl back into it.  Therefore, giving you the motivation to keep moving throughout the day the best that you can.  My bedroom has always been my "safe space", so by doing the simple act of getting up & fixing my bed I am more likely to be motivated to keep going & be productive throughout the day.

7.  Keep a Journal ~ This is a great practice to get into regardless, but especially if you are struggling with motivation.  It doesn't have to be neat or organized, because let's face it sometimes our thoughts are messy and that's OK.  Just write what you are feeling in the moment.  It's amazing how much better you feel when you get thoughts & ideas out of your head and on to the paper.  It's your own private therapy session.  I always feel better after journaling.  Things that may have been hindering my progress or weighing me down are lifted, making my head feel like it's in a better place to keep going.

8.  Phone a Friend or Loved One ~ Even on our best days, we all can use a little encouragement.  No one is perfect, no one has all the answers, but most importantly ... no one is alone.  Call up that trusted friend that makes you laugh or your spouse/significant other to just hear their voice.  It does wonders for your mood and in turn, your motivation.  

9.  Positive Affirmation ~ There have been many times when I felt like I just couldn't do something.  But in reality, if I really thought about it (or went back through my journal or even talked with a friend), I was reminded that I had been able to do whatever it was I was afraid of before and I'd made it through.  The power of positive thinking is unbelievable!  It's OK to be afraid.  But "You did it before, you can do it again" mentality or gentle reminder is a wonderful boost to keep going.

10.  Just Breathe ~ Take a deep breath.  Focus on the inhale & then again on the exhale.  See the difference it makes in your mood & mental state.  I used to not like it when people would tell me to "just breathe", but now I realize they were really giving me the best advice of all.  

If you have any other ideas on how you stay motivated, I would love to hear them!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

My Top 10 Beauty Favorites (+1)

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  We have all heard that quote a time or two over the course of our lives, but what if the beholder has no idea what makes her FEEL beautiful?  I say FEEL because everyone's idea of beauty is different, everyone;s time to spend on a skin care or makeup routine is different, and everyone's budget is different.  That question asked above was me not that long ago.  I have always struggled with self-esteem a bit in life.  It wasn't until recently that I felt confident sharing products, techniques and tips with others that I have found make me feel better about myself.  Because in the end, that's what truly matters ... how you feel about yourself, that you love yourself and that you are confident in your own skin.  I am by no means an expert, and will usually defer to those who have a degree or license because that is their job.  But I love learning new things & trying new products that I may not have had the courage to before.  So having said all that, here are a few of my favorite products that I am currently using that I thought you may enjoy as well.

*Milani Eyeshadow Primer - I discovered this game changer whole looking for a primer for Brooke and her dance makeup.  Her eyeshadow is a loose, fine powder so we needed something for it to stick to & hopefully not fade throughout the long days of competitions.  This drugstore find does the job, so much so that I decided to try it on myself, (cue the choir singing ... Hallelujah!)  Since using this primer, I have used less eye shadow because I rarely need to touch up during the day hence saving me time but also money in return.

*Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eyeshadow Palette - Speaking of eyeshadow, this particular brand has become one of my favorites because of its neutral shaded for everyday wear and get this ... it TRULY smells like chocolate!!  Talk about eye candy!!  (Love the Sweet Peach Palette as well, and yes, to smells like a fresh Georgia peach!)

*Benefit Precisely, My Brow Pencil - For the longest time, I did not use anything on my eyebrows.  I do get them waxed, because frankly I do not have enough confidence in myself to pluck them correctly.  So during a waxing, my stylist asked if I ever penciled in my brows ... um no.  She recommended looking into it because my eyebrows are so light that it often looked like I didn't really have any.  Not going to lie, I had visions of looking like I had tried to draw my eyebrows on with a crayon... y'all know what I'm talking about.  So when I went in to the store I had a really wonderful associate help me choose the right color AND show me how to do it.  Some of the best advice I have ever received!

*Benefit Roller Lash Mascara - I've tried a lot of mascara brands, but this one has been my staple for quite some time now.  It goes on beautifully & lasts all day long.  It's water-resistant and doesn't smudge.  No more Alice Cooper eyes!  (Not that there is anything wrong with Alice Coopers's choice of make up)

*IT Cosmetic Brushes - When I first went on the search for new make up brushes, this particular brand was recommended to me by my friend Nicole (who also doubles as my esthetician).  Not only do they have a wide variety for you to choose from but they are great quality as well.  While you can buy them individually to meet your particular needs, I chose this set to start with because it had everything that I needed.  the traveling case is perfect for storage and care as well!!

*MAC Lip Liner SOAR - This has been my go to lip liner for years!  It's described as a "midtone pinkish brown" color.  It's long lasting and easy to pair with you favorite neutral colored lipstick.  I always feel like my lipstick lasts longer when I use it.

*NYX Blush - Another drugstore favorite of mine!  It comes in a variety of colors to match your skin tone and preference.  I wear the color Rose & Play for my everyday look as it is a relatively neutral shade but gives me just enough color to keep me from feeling "washed out".

*Laura Mercier Invisible Loose Setting Powder - This is a recent purchase of mine that took no time at all to fall in love with.  It is a little bit of an investment but a little goes a long way so I suspect that it will last for quite some time.  Not to mention it gives you that flawless finish that we are all looking for.  LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

*Urban Decay Oil Control Setting Spray - I have always struggled with oily skin and for the longest time felt like by mid-morning or even lunchtime (if I was lucky) that my face would look all kinds of shiny & no that dewy glow that is considered beautiful but more like I just ran a mile in the heat of summer look.  (Not exactly what I was going for when I applied my make up that morning).  This product solves that problem.  I call it my "miravle in a bottle"!  A couple of sprays after I am completely done applying my make up & Voila! ... no more oil slick!  In fact, my make up stays quite fresh throughout the day.

*Estee Lauder Advanced Night Eye Repair - Adding an eye cream to my daily skin care routine was one of the last things that I incorporated.  But then I started to see more fine lines & wrinkles then I was ready to accept.  The skin under my eyes was not getting enough hydration, hence leading to more dark circles, puffiness and yes ~ those wrinkles.  This product not only repairs, but fortifies and nourishes.  I instantly feel a difference after applying.  Yes, the bottle is also an investment.  But for me, it has made me FEEL better, so I'll take it.

*Skin Gym Rose Quartz Crystal Facial Roller -  I just purchased this not too long ago, and if you follow me on Instagram you will have already heard me talk about it.  I now use it everyday!  I put it in the freezer after I put on my moisturizers and such, then take it out after I have dried my hair (about 20 minutes or so ... yes it does take me that long to dry my hair, but that is a post for a different day).  Then I simply follow the directions on the package and give my face a little relaxing massage.  While this might seem like a luxury to you, and it is believe me, I have noticed a difference in my skin since adding this to my morning routine.  It feels smoother and more radiant.  I especially love how it feels underneath my eyes.  Rose quartz is considered the "ultimate love stone promoting self love in particular" and if we go back to the beginning of this post, that's a fabulous goal to have...  Love Your Self.

While beauty is simply just a word, it's how you FEEL that can make all the difference in the world.  When we take care of ourselves ~ whether your a mom, student, career woman or all of the above ~ we FEEL better and in turn can be our best selves for those around us and all that life has to offer.

Have a great day!